Gary Johnson is a terrible Libertarian

in #gary8 years ago (edited)

There is a strong case to make that the leader of the Libertarian Party in this years general election is in fact not even a Libertarian, and will do more harm than good in spreading the NonAggresion Principal.

In the LP's televised debate, Johnson is asked about government forcing Jews to bake a Nazi wedding cake. His support for such an obvious violation of the NAP represents mass inconsistency in the nominee, and a clear misunderstanding of the free market. This is the candidate that the LP has chosen to lead the charge..

Free Trade is a cornerstone of Libertarianism, and anyone with an ounce of common sense can take a look at the TPP and know that 5000+ pages of legislation does not equate free trade. However in an interview with CNN, so called "Libertarian" Gary Johnson says he would happily sign the document.

When it comes to tackling Republican Nominee Donald Trump, Johnson takes a refreshingly unique angle at his opponent; Calls him a racist.. Is there anything more disappointing for the leader of the party that is supposed to represent reason & evidence to hide behind the bullshit rhetoric of the mainstream media to call Trump a racist? Is that really your argument?? As as an AnCap Trump supporter, I'll be the first to admit that Big Donald certainly is not correct on a number of issues, but calling him a racist, sexist, or bigot is nothing more than a spineless, petty tantrum.

Johnson would be slaughtered in the debates.

To top off the party leader's cuckish approaches, Johnson's low energy, monotone drawl will drain you of all hope if he made the debates with Clinton and Trump. When Asked in another CNN interview why voter's should go Libertarian, Johnson's response was flaccid, confused, even deflective! Clearly unprepared for the most basic of questions.

These are just a few reasons Gary Johnson is a terrible representative for Libertarianism. Consider it a blessing he won't make the general debates, turning off potential freedom lovers by burying the non-aggression principal from the public eye for another four years.