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RE: Gary Vee talks Ethereum...

in #garyvee8 years ago

Hahah, I love this response because I wonder if Grant has actually been on the platform. Like you said it has probably been just his marketing team re-spinning some of his old content.

That's cool you have been successful and people consider you a guru about Snapchat. This is what Steemians think about Snapchat.

We welcome you to Steemit and like @writewords said. Spend some time learning about this platform and come on and make a Steemit specific video. We will have a lot more respect for you then!


That's why Im getting so pissy. I liked him before Steemit now he's getting on my nerves. Either stay in your lane or be humble.

I didn't really know him before but had seen him and didn't know his name. I think his info is ok, same with Tai Lopez. It is basic motivational stuff. Gary V is the same way but I actually like Gary V the best out of those 3 guys. A lot of the stuff isn't actionable but it is mainly a mental boost for n00bs.

Well said though. I just followed you! I might even do a pool meeting about this.

What is a pool meeting and thanks for the follow. I am an entrepreneur and really am about providing value if I'm mentoring or training -- not fluff 👊🏻💯💰I'll check our your posts too @brianphobos 👍🏻

ok good looks watching now 💯

Great info. I had an Amazon biz but I never even started FBA. I might start it again one day, who knows? The shipping trick is key tho I need to think about how I can use that.