I have had problems registering my EOS tokens with myetherwallet.
I followed the instructions from the EOS.IO website for registration, I have tried several times and read different articles and seen many youtube video's following all the instructions exactly as explained. Although my registration did not go through for some reason. Extremly frustrating process.
When you are accessing the eos registration contract on myetherwallet. You have to verify that the amount is '0' and set a gas limit before you deploy the contract.
The gas limit is set to 30 000 by default. I have read on sites that it at least has to be set to 90 000. I found out that it has to be set even higher. I set it to 150 000. That's when my registration worked. After I did this I could verify that my EOS public adress was linked to my account on myetherwallet.
If you have problems registering your EOS, try this.
I am trying to grasps what you are explaining, but i cant.But i will keep reading till i understand it.
How far have you come with your EOS registration?