We drank lassi, a traditional yogurt-based drink which is rather popular in India. | Wir tranken Lassi, ein in Indien weit verbreitetes, traditionelles Joghurtgetränk. |
We ate tasty vegetable basmati rice with lamb meat "Madras" (in the foreground) and prawns. The meat sauce was - original Indian - rather spicy which I really like. Who prefers it less aromatic should inform the waiter. | Es gab leckeren Basmatigemüsereis mit Lammfleisch "Madras" (im Vordergrund) und Garnelen. Die Fleischsoße war - originalindisch - ziemlich scharf gewürzt, was ich sehr mochte. Wer es weniger pikant bevorzugt, sollte einfach dem Kellner Bescheid sagen. |
Kulfi is an Indian ice cream specialty. Here the versions "mango" and "pistachio". | Kulfi ist eine traditionelle indische Eisspezialität. Hier die Versionen "Mango" und "Pistazie". |
In the evening of a hot day this Sangría was really refreshing. Actually my wife doesn't drink alcoholic drinks these days because she is breastfeeding our baby, but this evening we made an exception and after that let our little princess drink some baby formula from the bottle. | Am Abend eines heißen Tages tat diese Sangría richtig gut! Meine Frau trinkt eigentlich zurzeit keinen Alkohol, da sie unser Baby stillt, aber für diesen Abend machten wir eine Ausnahme und gaben unserer kleinen Prinzessin danach gekaufte Baby-Milch aus der Flasche. |
... and ordered two dishes of tapas (among others with salmon, quail's eggs, "presa ibérica" and deep-fried Camembert). | ... bestellten zwei leckere Tapas-Platten (unter anderem mit Lachs, Wachteleiern, "presa ibérica" und frittiertem Camembert). |
Very short video to give you an impression of the atmosphere on the Plaza del Obispo. | Sehr kurzes Video, um ein Gefühl für die Stimmung auf dem Plaza del Obispo zu vermitteln. |
La Luz de Candela
"Filosofía slow food".
At the beginning Gazpacho and a very good red wine (this time my wife had to settle for ice tea). | Zu Beginn Gazpacho und ein sehr guter Rotwein (meine Frau musste sich leider mit Eistee begnügen). |
The goat cheese added to this salad tasted unbelievable aromatic! | Der diesem Salat beigemischte Ziegenkäse schmeckte unglaublich aromatisch! |
Also the octopus was made perfectly by the cook. | Auch der Oktopus gelang dem Koch perfekt. |
Delicate Angus cattle beef steak was the highlight of the evening. | Zartes Steak vom Angusrind war der Höhepunkt des Abends. |
Obviously in spite of the late hour our little girl was still wide awake. It seems she is becoming a night owl like me ... :) | Die Kleine war, trotz der späten Stunde, offensichtlich noch hellwach. Sie wird wohl eine Nachteule wie ich werden ... :) |
As dessert my wife took various citrus fruits and I a mousse of white chocolate. | Zum Nachtisch nahm meine Frau verschiedene Zitrusfrüchte und ich ein Mousse aus weißer Schokolade. |
Restaurante Vino Mio
"Kefta Bouznika": lamb meat balls in a spicy Moroccan sauce, accompanied with hummus and pita bread. | "Kefta Bouznika": Lammfleischbällchen in würziger marokkanischer Soße mit Hummus und Fladenbrot. |
Maybe you won't believe it, but that's crocodile meat. :) | Ihr mögt es nicht glauben, aber das ist Krokodilfleisch. :) |
As dessert we took "Granizado"-ice, made with passion fruit, mango and mandarin, and a mango mousse. | Als Nachspeise nahmen wir "Granizado"-Eis mit Passionsfrucht, Mango und Mandarine sowie ein Mango-Mousse. |
This is now our second stay in the Restaurante Vino Mio. We began with "Boda Arabe", a warm couscous salad with fresh vegetables and king prawns. | Dies ist nun unser zweiter Besuch im Restaurante Vino Mio. Wir begannen mit "Boda Arabe", ein warmer Couscous-Salat mit frischem Gemüse und Riesengarnelen. |
As main course my wife ate duck with potatoes and seasonal vegetables. I 'stole' some of the meat and have to confirm that it was really tasty! :) | Meine Frau aß als Hauptgericht Ente mit Kartoffeln und Gemüse der Saison. Ich 'stahl' ein wenig von dem Fliesch und kann bestätigen, dass es ganz ausgezeichnet schmeckte! :) |
I took codfish with cream cheese, asparagus and potatoes. | Ich nahm Kabeljau mit Käsecreme, Spargel und Kartoffeln. |
The desssert was the same as last time as it had tasted so well! | Der Nachtisch war derselbe wie bei ersten Mal, weil er so gut geschmeckt hatte! |
Hotel Don Curro
As many times before we stayed in the very centrally located and recommendable Hotel Don Curro. The following pictures show how the breakfast looked like: | Wie schon viele Male zuvor übernachteten wir übrigens im sehr zentral gelegenen und empfehlenswerten Hotel Don Curro. Wie das Frühstück aussah, zeigen die folgenden Bilder: |
"How highly interesting all these amazing things are which my parents are eating and drinking ... If I just could taste a little bit only!" | "Wie hochinteressant das doch alles ist, was die Eltern da so essen und trinken ... wenn ich doch nur ein kleines bisschen probieren dürfte!" |
Ganz toller Bericht, wobei ich ihn besser nicht so früh gelesen hätte - die Zeit bis zur Mittagspause wird jetzt ganz schön lang. Aber die Mensa wird auch nicht an die Gerichte rankommen. Ich vermute mal, dass das alles ungefähr so gut schmeckt, wie es aussieht. Zwar vermutlich nicht alles mein persönlicher Geschmack, aber das macht ja nix.
Sind das gehobene Restaurants oder ist der Standard dort einfach nur so hoch? Finde die Präsentation der Gerichte schon sehr gelungen und ansprechend. Macht direkt nochmal ein bisschen mehr Appetit.
Bin gespannt, was uns im nächsten Bericht erwartet! :-)
Also das "Vino Mio" und "La Luz de Candela" sind schon eher 'gehoben', wobei sich aber die Preise durchaus noch im Rahmen bewegen. Besonders frischer Fisch und tropische Früchte sind in Málaga natürlich deutlich preisgünstiger als hier. Insgesamt kann man schon sehr gut essen dort. :)
After finished reading your article, I absolutely agree with your title, “Dine like God in Málaga”! All foods, desserts and drinks look really excellent and delicious! Those make me feel very hungry right now!
It’s very nice atmosphere at Plaza del Obispo and the cathedral looks elegant! I can touch and feel it from your photos and video.
The flamenco show looks really fantastic! I enjoyed watching it from your video. Thanks so much for sharing.
Your baby is really cute. Your wordings can clearly explain about her thought which we can see from her eyes… I think she may love to “taste a little bit", as you said! You, your wife @kobold-djawa and your little princess, all look very happy for this trip…really warm family!
Look forward to your further photos and articles with much interest! :)
All food looks very tasty. If you emigrate to Malaga one day I'd like to announce my visit already :-)
Wow, sieht das alles gut aus. Ich glaub ich muss auch mal nach Malaga reisen, nur um das auch zu verzehren :-D
Deine Frau sieht sehr hübsch auf den Bildern aus!
Darüber wird sie sich sicher freuen! :)
ohhhh my Málaga!! I loved the post, looking forward to see more post and see how you enjoyed the best place on earth :)
Que bien que te gusta mi artículo! ;-)
Si tengo tiempo voy a escribir mas.
Da nehm' ich ja schon beim lesen und schauen zu! :D Sieht richtig lecker aus. Besonders die Vielfalt ist bestechend :O.
Lassi hatte ich eben vorgestern auch... war aber, sagen wir mal, die lustig-machende-Variante :P
lg noël
Málaga steht auch auf meiner Reise-Wunschliste. Das Essen scheint schon einmal sehr gut zu sein. Ich freue mich auf weitere Berichte über die Stadt!
Danke für den liebevoll aufbereiteten Bericht. Eure Kleine ist ganz besonders süß!
Danke für den schönen Kommentar! :)
Great content! I love to watch so many pictures and how much work you did in this post. And that food look soooo yummy! I'm gonna invoke the @originalworks bot for visibility. Thanks for sharing!
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To nominate this post for the daily RESTEEM contest, upvote this comment! The user with the most upvotes on their @OriginalWorks comment will win!The architecture at the Plaza del Obispo is unbelievably beautiful. It must be a great feeling to have dinner there.
Yes, indeed, you should go there, too, one day. :)
I have a plan to go to Europe next year, I hope it will happen :)
In case you come to Germany, let us know. :)
@jaki01 got you a $8.2 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image: pixabay.com)
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@jaki01 was für ein toller Artikel! Ich bin auf meinen Reisen stets darauf bedacht möglichst die lokalen Gerichte auszuprobieren. Manchmal stresst mich das jedoch. Wenn ich euren Bericht lese, denke ich mir: Die internationale Küche gehört in den jeweiligen Ländern genauso dazu, wie die internationale Küche in Deutschland ebenfalls nicht mehr wegzudenken ist. Und wenn ich mir das indische Dessert so ansehe...Ich bin aktuell auf Mallorca und werde ab heute essen worauf ich Lust habe :D
Hier ist übrigens mein letzter Artikel über Palma: https://steemit.com/deutsch/@cocoandsun/sunday-travel-inspiration-ein-tag-in-palma-de-mallorca
sieht wirklich lecker aus! und das bisschen, das man von der stadt sieht, ist auch sehr schön :)
Amazing, loved it! :)
Oh my goodness @jaki01..😲
I don't know where should I start from..
First thing is I never seen so many varieties of delicious foods like this.. Definitely it should be dine in the heaven..
Second thing is you have a cute baby 😊 and lovely wife..💑
Finally I really enjoyed the her dance and the music..🎶
I found your previous article and realized that you are doing very creative work on steemit and so, I followed you.. This is my first comment and upvote on your post.. would like to keep it up..🤗
Thanks for your encouraging words! :)
Any time @jaki01..😊
I really love when I see these Indian restaurants around the globe. Tandoori is a special type of bread we make in India. I am very happy that you enjoyed lassi and kulfi too which is very famous in India. Lassi has many health benefits.
All the food looks very tasty.
Thanks for sharing my friend
uiii da bekommt man ja sofort hunger. Das sieht ja aber auch mega lecker aus. Ich wüsste gar nicht für was ich mich als erstes Entscheiden würde. Auch sehr schön angerichtet. Nun habe ich ebenfalls hunger :D
Nice I look your post and the meal is desired
the food is very delicious, especially in the company of sibuah heart that is still a baby, happy the heart se a father.
Wow buddy can't tell about anything but the foods looks incredibly delicious and mouth watering and i am kinda hungry now
the post looked quite delicious while reading and now i am starving :)
Pretty cool experience you had there great drinks and delicious food but the baby wanted a sip i guess in the last shot so adorable :)
it was great seeing your post today loved the pics you shared it was an amazing experience to have :)
these are interesting shots :)
thanks for sharing
Very good looking dishes, I don't even want to think of the tastes. It seems to me like reading a good travel magazine article but with a more warm and genuine approach.
For sure, I'll take into consideration all your recommended locations, if I'll get there someday.
Can't wait to see the next articles. Thank you @jaki01
food and drink looks very tasty and delicious, and a very comfortable atmosphere ...,
I am still on a repeat look mode (scrolling up & down!!!). Wow!!!
The baby is so cute and so adorable! Great family!!! Bless you all! :)
Much Love!@jaki01 Awesome post. Umpteen mouthwatering dishes, drinks, desserts, & what not!!! OMG...wish to taste, relish and enjoy most of them...lol
Thanks for your nice comment - in case you like the article you may consider to upvote it. :)
Upvoted & Resteemed!!! with great pleasure! :)
Thanks a lot! :)
You are Welcome! :)
Lots of love to the cute baby!!!
Wow happy life enjoy. very beautiful photos.
nice look baby.
upvote resteem
Super Fotos ... da bekommt man sofort Appetit.
Great and interesting post. The photos are just great, I'm thrilled.
good travel experience . very beautifully photography and lovely life.
For your post propagation.
The food photo display is very interesting. this post that really makes me hungry.😀
spectacular. this is really enjoying properly
Am salivating
You had fun
Thanks ... in case you had fun watching the photos you may consider to upvote my article. :)
I did have fun and ve upvoted
:-) Better late than never - upvoted you too now.
Very interesting post. nice family photos.
Upvote Resteem @jaki01
I think unintentionally you deleted your upvote ... :)
I found your post in steem.chat, i thinks this good post to visit, exactly @jaki01 we have same intersting in steemit. I have followed u and vote it on your post. I have latest post about travel, lets walk on it, maybe your words more motivating me in future. Cheeers #traveller.
Congratulations, you have won the @OriginalWorks daily resteem contest.
impressive photography i just loved the food like baby hahah :) thanks for sharing.
You've got my favorites: rice, icecream and Sangria!
Great atmosphere and magic lights!
Perfect for a beautiful family.
I love to see people having quality time with they're loved ones and maybe this can remember to all of us what's most important in life... This is a inspiration and maybe will remind us to cherish and enjoy every moment spend with Grace...
Thank you @jaki01!
Enjoy @nature.art!
Be love!
Nice comment. :)
By the way, in case you like the article, I should mention that it is not forbidden to upvote it ... :)
Oh, yeah!
I did this every time I came here, I must have forgot:)
My bet💌
I still like it😊
Thanks a lot! :)
amigo #resteemia at your service
'dine like god' yes, i got it :) fantastic work & brilliant photography @jaki01
'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'
MinnowsPower listed your post "Dine like God in Málaga. :) / Speisen wie Gott in Málaga. :)" as one of the top 10 upvoted and commented posts of the day...!!!
Exceptional traveling guide with a wonderful photography.
100% Upvoted @jaki01 by @MinnowsPower
MinnowsPower is not a bot, I am a Crowdfunding Hybrid
One small UpVote of Yours build MinnowsPower and MinnowsPower will Not Forget Your Support...!!!
Wow, that is some good looking food! And quite a range! Sounds like a good holiday
I really like and love your photos....specialy I really like your last photograpy...
I think he is your son....and he is so cute....
What is your son's name?...
I think this is Wonderful and unforgetable sweet moment with your family...
Cheers~~~~~~~Hey @jaki01 Wonderful and very tasty post by @jaki01
This is the first time I saw one article with a lot of delicious foods! Oh friend you made me crazy :D Thanks for sharing such wonderful experiences with us! I think Malaga is a best place to visit!@jaki01,
@jaki01 - Oh my goodness, lots of foods :O those are delicious & yes I understood why you said 'Dine like God in Málaga'. Lovely work & excellent photography Sir.
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
thanks for your this posting . it is great post. exultant travel experience.
wonderful photography and very looking food.
Have a great day.
100% like and resteem.A person with a lot of travel experience. The more important you are, the food you took from it in an important place. very very beautiful family and great photos. thanks @jaki01
I am happy to know you enjoyed Indian foods like vegetable basmati rice, lassi and kulfi. Interesting post I enjoyed it. Thanks.