🌈Should Gay couples have the same Adoption rights as straight couples? 🌈 | | | Discussion*

in #gay8 years ago


Should Gay Couples have the Same Adoption Rights as Straight Couples?

What is Your opinion. Let's Connect!

P.s. Try best you can to be honest and open-minded, this is just a discussion!

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i dnt think so, as it will harrm the upbringing of child and his mind too.. for a better brought up, both sexes male and female should be involve .....

Lack of binary definitions at home doesn't eliminate dual gender influences. Healthy children are exposed to all forms of relationship in society.

i agree to you

Why not, if they are fit to raise a child then by all means.

I wonder how gay parents affect Child's mindsets. I guess there should not be any drawbacks. I haven't heard a lot about people raised by gay parents... How do they end up

Not. The fact that the child is truely loved is so much more worth...

Yes. Sexual preference should not be a deciding factor.

I have just been reading an article that, it's crucial for a child to have a male role-model and a female, which gay parents probably can do both but is it the same thing as if a child has straight parents...

Same, I have heard a lot that both role-models are crucial and necessary in different ratio throughout the lfie.

Yeah, exactly. I don't have anything against gay people but I don't know about having exactly same privileges as straight people and I think so not because I am homophobic or whatnot, I just care for the kids and want them to get what the need to succeed in future!

Unfortunate is that if anyone usually dares to say their opinion about gays then it is homophobic before they can even finish the sentence. Question is should we still have right for our opinion? Is it free world or do we have to tolerate everything just because of the dolerating?

I have yet to see any coherent study proving it is crucial. It is much more crucial that children are adopted into loving homes instead of floating around in the foster care system.

Definitely! Everyone should be considered equally in terms of their being to provide a good home for the child.