About fashion trends.. or being gay. Here you are now sitting, reading pikabu, maybe even sitting next to you your girlfriendwifemistress. And you do not even come to mind that overnight from the right heterosexual man you suddenly go to the blue lagoon. You don't think this is about you.. I thought so. And that in end. Walked in this Saturday with the kids and wife at the amusement Park. As part of the celebration of the eighth anniversary of the eldest son. Well and accordingly to the tray with the toys he have also pulled. Bought him a gun then.. And then something terrible happened. I mean, I didn't see anything like that at the time. Well, there are toys on the tray. These like his. Spinners, here! And I'm somewhere else on peekaboo posts about them have seen. A thing that lasts a long time. Well, I'm curious, and in General I always liked such things on physics tied. Yo-yo, neokub, pendulums all sorts.. And of course I bought this thing. Funny. Really long time spinning. The youngest son is generally happy, I hold him with your fingers and it spins. He's fun. Here, and then a dreadful thing happened. Today I went to the picaba during lunch, in order to read what it is all for a thing what and what interesting things can be done with it. Yep. Looked. I read the comments. I understand. I'm GAY comrades. Once and for all. Now we need to buy VAPE and turn the pants. Still spinner, bitch, pink (well, not I looked at the color, to me the principle of operation is interested) I Just did not know what his wife and children to do. A gay man is not supposed to? But seriously, it's a funny social phenomenon. A funny toy appears. Many people like it. Picked up by youtubers. HYPE. That's all.. TABOO because if bought the a herd.. And the herd? Gay people sure. Not that these brutal macho who always go against the current. In General interestingly. And if hypnoti on the topic of WOMEN? what type of a woman to be fashionable, vidyushki 100 tricks with the woman. etc. then what will do NEGAI which NEWSTAGE?
I recommend you to divide the text in paragraphs, that makes reading more comfortable.
ok bro ^^
"I am gay! I am gay! Mrs. Simpson made me gay!"
hhh ^_^