Yesterday I had a chance to visit lecture of Vaginal Davis. It wasn't actually a lecture. Vaginal Davis laughed a lot about this after when I was confused how to call her 1.5-hour speech. It was very performative, though the room was very hot it was fresh, in one word it was amazing!
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If you don't know who is Vaginal Davis, my friend, you know nothing about queer art. you know nothing about art! She is a legendary figure, an originator of homo-core punk movement and a gender-queer art-music icon. Apart from that what I like about her is her distance from shiny art gallery world, unacceptance of high-polish art. Somehow being low-budget or even no-budget she manages to produce important for every one of us content.
Friedl Kubelka school was full during Vaginal Davis performance. So many people came to see her! I was 15 minutes late and had to listen to all the lecture standing outside of auditorium actually.
I was totally astonished by the lecture. Apart from that I really liked her notes. On one side of paper she had notes for lecture and on the other a picture of handsome naked guy :)
Though the lecture went really well and Vaginal Davis joke a lot (SHE HAS AMAZING SENSE OF HUMOUR), I felt that somehow inside she can be very lonely and sad. As she said about herself: “I was always too gay for the punks and too punk for the gays. I am a societal threat.”