When it comes to the LGBTQ i have no issue with them, in my professional career i express the don't ask don't tell policy. My motto is simple everyone has their own belief, preferences and are equal yet it is not my job to find out why or how they feel.
So back to what happened on Friday night. My wife and i went to a friends 41st birthday in downtown Vancouver, Canada. Where the music playing was strictly old-school Hip-Hop and R&B. There were a few friends that i have not seen for a while, the great thing about this place is that they serve comfort food all night till 1am in the morning.
I was the designated driver so i kept drinking water and plain ice-tea while my wife and the birthday girl kept drinking cosmos and whatever shots came their way. While my wife and i was dancing on the floor there was some guy that showed up to the table that we reserved and was chatting with our friend Rosa. Then after 5 minutes later Rosa came up to us laughing and stated the guy whom she was speaking with was into me.
Immediately i looked at her weirdly and gave her a fake smirk then Rosa told everyone in our party what had happened; I guess i was the butt of the joke. Later that evening here comes the gay man back to our table and Rosa was having another conversation with him.
Usually i have no issues with gay people, they can think whatever they want as long as it is not directed or affect me, then Rosa laughed and looked at me which made me squirm. Our waitress came by and i ordered some food and after the guy left Rosa came up to us again and stated he din't care if i had a wife.
At this point i looked at my wife and i said to Rosa if this man returns to our table he would not be leaving with a smile on his face. Rosa claimed she told him that i have been with my wife for over 16 years and that i was not into men. My thoughts quickly went to all these sexual assault, allegations happening in the world lately women and men complaining of harassment from egotistic and vile men.
Later we all went back on the dance floor and began to dance then this guy came up towards me and tried to shake my hand in-front of my wife and friends. Now if i did not know this mans intention i would however have shaking his hands. I was uncomfortable and creeped the fuck out and i wanted to put my fist through his disrespectful face. One of my guy friends saw how uncomfortable i was and came up to him and told him he was being disrespectful and asked him to leave. Before he left he snapped his fingers at my wife and i then he walked off i was weirded out for the rest of the night.
I have seen plenty of stories of hate crimes of gay men being beaten up and now i question what lead up to these men being beaten up? There is two sides to every story, we did not go to a gay club. I have no hate and animosity towards these guys as long as they do not approach me in a romantic way. It is certainly not cool that gays assume that every man is into that shit or that they can turn a straight man gay.
More over if i harassed a woman in front of her husband, i would be chastised and publicly skewered.
Dude had a hardon for you. Liqour plus loud music and finding love in that moment. Hard to stop the movement of the train wreck. Thanks for sharing great read!
unfortunately he was backing up the wrong tree and disrespecting my wife and creeping me out..
Being the target of this person would had made anyone uncomfortable. You handle yourself well...and glad things didnt get out of hand. Actually that fella is lucky he picked you that night you may have saved his life. Other folks would had reacted different i am assuming from what i seen on the internet and local news.
Muy bien gerrero del teclado saludos.
muy buen me encanto este post saludos , y lindos comentarios .
Gran #paco saludos hermano
Saludos @paco desde anzoategui Venezuela
I am bi and I still get harassed by guys and I think it is annoying and disrespectful, just because I am a guy and you like guys does not give you the right to be forceful and rapey. from hero to zero, just like that.
Nice information for us