Palm Beach County Bans Gay Conversion Therapy for Minors

in #gay7 years ago

Gay Therapy.jpg

Another victory has been won in the battle against bigotry, with reporting that Palm Beach County in Florida has become the first county in the state to ban the practice of gay conversion therapy for minors.

Although this is the first time a ban against gay conversion therapy for minors has been instituted at the county level in Florida, municipalities like Boca Raton and Delray Beach - along with several others - have already banned the practice at the local level.

Supporters of gay conversion therapy, according the the article, argued that this kind of ban was " infringement of the right to freedom of speech for therapists."

Personally, that sounds like a ridiculous argument because nothing prevents these therapists from offering their draconian services to fully developed ADULTS who VOLUNTARILY seek out this kind of treatment.

Stay fabulous my queer bitches.

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Good. those kinds of therapy are terrible for kids. Obviously do not work.

yes!! This is such great news!