The 101 On The Gaza Massacre - May 2018

in #gaza7 years ago (edited)

97% of the water in Gaza is contaminated.

More than half of Gaza's population are children.

"Innocent people, mostly children, are being poisoned."

People in Gaza don't have an option. They are trapped. Gaza is the largest concentration camp in the world.

Two million people are trapped in an area that's physically unlivable.

Faced with that reality, the people of Gaza saw no option, but to non-violently protest.

Give Noura Erakat nine minutes and she will clarify everything about the Gaza March for Freedom, Hamas, and the trouble with Trump’s embassy in Jerusalem.

Noura Erakat is a human rights attorney and assistant professor at George Mason University, an activist and writer, as well as a specialist in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, refugee law, humanitarian law, national security law, and social justice.

Watch as she discusses the Palestinian reaction to the U.S. embassy opening in Jerusalem and examines the influence of Hamas on Palestinians in Gaza.

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The United States blocked a United Nations (UN) Security Council statement drafted Monday that called for an independent investigation into the deaths of at least 58 Palestinians along the Israeli-Gaza border.

Monday represented the bloodiest day of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since Israel's invasion of Gaza in 2014.

The unrest coincided with the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem, a Trump administration directive widely condemned by the international community.


All those involved in this mass killing, from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet, their enablers in Washington, down to the snipers firing the bullets, are collectively and personally responsible for war crimes. As the Nuremberg trials of the Nazi war criminals established, soldiers are able and obliged to refuse an illegal order to wantonly kill civilians. Only an army saturated with racist and fascistic ideology can be counted on to commit such crimes.

The carnage on the Gaza border was matched by the atmosphere of criminality and reaction at the US embassy ceremony, which was staged before an audience of right-wing Israeli and American politicians, army commanders and leading rabbis.

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Nikki Haley walks out of U.N. Security Council meeting as Palestinian envoy begins to speak

Israeli forces killed 62 Palestinians, and Nikki Haley won't even sit through a U.N. meeting.

Shame List. The states which celebrated Apartheid Israel 's ethnic cleansing, by attending the opening of the US Embassy in #Jerusalem on 14 May 2018, as zionist forces carried out yet another Gaza Massacre. Update: Vietnam denies the report that it participated.

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Gulf widening between US and key allies over Gaza: