Physics of a Slingshot πŸŒ€

in #gaza β€’ 7 years ago (edited)

Here is some more information about these devastating weapons.Β 

"But they are just stones."

Yeah... And is that also why they've been used as the main source of artillery in war, for millennia...?

This video explains some of the pertinent details better than I can.

For the sake of Peace...

(From SmarterEveryDay.)

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The weapon of peace πŸ˜“πŸ˜”

Yeah, sigh...

Amazing what people are willing to call a "peaceful protest..."

Sure peaceful protest instead of peaceful rockets πŸ˜ͺ the situation in gaza is very complicated, They are investing everything in terror instead of civilians, we still hope that peace will come one day
You not have to upvote all my comments ❀ save your vote power πŸ‘Œ thanks for everything

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

It sure is complicated with all the history, different parties involved, truth and lies, and much more.

But like you say, peace, B'Ez"H, soon and in our days...

Yw and thanks also :)

You are always welcome!
Do you know the biggest hamula (family) in gaza their last name is "el masri" translate from arabic is the Egyptian.
According to most family names one can know their origin. Many of them are also Jewish at the root. Jews converted

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Thanks, I did not know they were the biggest family, but yes, I am familiar with that name, as well as many others that all indicate the place of recent origin, abu Liban for example. Like many of the Jews of Israel, most Palestinians are descendants of people who came in the late 1800 and early 1900's when it was a part of the Ottoman Empire. And you're right, many Jews and Christians converted, and some are learning of it recently too. Let's hope soon the world will remember the full history...

They are primitive weapons.. so they should be allowed.. right????

It seems like that is exactly the claim being made by certain people. Sigh...

i used to play with slingshot when i was a kid, didnt know they have this power

It sure is something to realize they are as powerful as many types of guns/bullets. Thanks for commenting.

I am reminded of my childhood when I played with my friend this slingshot pakapel

Did you learn to get very accurate or powerful? I played with one also a bit, but never developed any skill.

Whoa... looks like some serious thing going on.
Is this like an annual season ritual in preparation.

Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Do you mean in the video or in Gaza? If you're asking about the video, I don't know. If you're asking about Gaza and Israel, I guess since it happens every day in one place or another, you could sort-of say so.

Well, I guess about the place then. you're right then.

I guess in the video they were just testing in a field?

In my work, we call it UAT. User Acceptance Testing.

Hopefully your version is less violent.

A shovel is a pretty deadly weapon too. I must also add that moore people died during world wars because of canon fire and bombs than all sorts of guns and knives that were used.

Yeah. And, sounds right. We are so miseducated here...

Β 7 years agoΒ Β Reveal Comment

Oh thank you @looktothefuture and @transparencybot, and that is very interesting!

Β 7 years agoΒ Β Reveal Comment