Let's Talk About Gaza Marine Gas Field

in #gaza7 years ago (edited)

 Gaza Marine Gas Field  is actually two natural gas reservoirs located 30km (18.6 miles) off  the coast of the Gaza Strip. They are also known as Gaza Marine One and  Gaza Marine Two they are 603m (1978.3ft) below the surface of the  Mediterranean Sea. 

These gas fields were discovered in 1999 when the Palestinian Authority allowed British Gas  to survey the area for natural gas fields they found two natural gas  reservoirs that when combined would produce one trillion cubic feet of  gas and is estimated to have a life of 15 years worth of natural gas  enough for the Palestinians to fully power their country and have an  excess of natural gas to sell for profit. 

Also in 1999, the Prime Minister of Israel at the time Ehud Barak  decided not to explore the natural gas fields in Gaza insinuating he  would worry about the gas fields when Palestine became a State and no  consultation with Israel was ever stipulated. Israel only showed  interest in the gas fields when it became clear that the Palestinian  Authority and British Gas were solidifying their deal to develop Gaza Marine One and Gaza Marine Two. 

Israel tried to demand the natural gas be piped to a refinery located within their territory giving Israel control  over all the revenues from the natural gas fields, revenues that belong  to Palestinians. The Israelis openly state that they want to take the  natural resources from Palestinians, control this natural resource and  sell it back to Palestinians at high prices whilst selling the very same  natural gas to Israelis at bottom of the barrel prices. Their  justification for this was to ensure the proceeds from these natural gas  reservoirs didn’t “fund terrorism.” 

The failed negotiations prompted the Prime  Minister of Britain Tony Blair to get involved. Blair feared that the  tense negotiations would derail the Gaza-Jericho Agreement  also known as the Oslo Accords in which Israel made a deal with  Palestinians that granted the Palestinian Authority full control over  its territorial waters. Blair got the Palestinians to agree to send the  proceeds from the natural gas reservoirs to the Federal Reserve Bank in  New York City to be vetted and distributed this allegedly was to ensure  that the money didn’t fall into the hands of a terrorist. 

In 2006 following the political takeover  of the government by Hamas, the Prime Minister of Isreal at the time  Ehud Olmert pulled out of all negotiations stating that the Hamas  takeover was a “dealbreaker” even though all proceeds from the gas  fields were still going to the Federal Reserve Bank to be vetted and  distributed. Ehud Olmert insisted that “no royalties are to be paid to  Palestinians” instead Olmert suggested  the Israelis would deliver the equivalent of these royalties from the  natural gas fields in “goods and services.” The Hamas led government  refused the offer and immediately the Israeli government issued an  inhumane blockade on Gaza that is still in effect today Israel’s Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz called it “economic warfare.” 

With Egypt’s approval and cooperation, Israel then took control  over Gaza’s food imports and exports. Completely dismantled and  eliminated Gaza’s fishing industry while rationing food imports. Dov  Weisglass an advisor to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert publically stated  that the Israeli government was putting Palestinians on “a diet“,  what was described by Weisglass as a diet was simply a cowards way of  not saying food rations. It didn’t take long the Red Cross to declare a crisis in Gaza stating the Israeli blockade on Gaza produced “chronic malnutrition” with Gazan children being the most affected. 

Despite the harsh blockade imposed on Gaza by Israel, Hamas  refused to concede to Israeli demands involving the Gaza Marine Gas  Field. The Olmert government then decided to act unilaterally to extract  the gas, but the Israelis knew that this could only be achieved if  Hamas were to be displaced or disarmed. That is why “Operation Cast Lead” was launched in 2008, this is the same operation that started The Gaza War. 

When you investigate into The Gaza War  the fact that the Israelis code name for their operation that started  The Gaza War would be called Operation Cast Lead is disturbing in of  itself, maybe I’m guilty of reading too much into it, but casting lead  is another way of saying “guns-a-blazing” or “firing at will.” Perhaps  without discretion as well considering how Operation Cast Lead alone  caused the death of 1,417 Palestinian civilians. 

The Gaza War was a field of propaganda tulips and beneath this  proverbial soil in which these tulips sit, there is the Gaza Marine Gas  Field. The mere fact of calling this conflict “The Gaza War” excludes  blame from Israel and places it squarely on the Palestinians. Corporate  media would peddle this war to the public as Israel defending itself  against Hamas and their horrible rocket attacks when the sole mission  objective for Operation Cast Lead was to “transfer the sovereignty of  the gas fields to Israel.”  

The terroristic threats Israel tries to convince the world they are consistently under is a lie told to the international community, a  little spraypaint over a rusty bike if you will, a facade to hide the  real reason for invading Palestine, its natural resources. What is  shameful is Israel doesn't even hide what they were doing they publicly  stated what their mission objective was to take over the Gaza Marine  Gas Field, they admitted to invading another country for their natural  resources which is a violation of the Geneva Convention. Israel will never be held accountable for their actions when they should be brought before the International Criminal Court  and answer for war crimes during their invasion and continued brutal  occupation of a sovereign land for its natural resources resulting in  the sustained misery and even death of thousands of Palestinians. 

In 2011, the Arab Spring in Eygpt led to an energy crisis in Israel with 40% of its gas supply being halted. The rising energy prices in Israel caused the largest protest by Jewish Israelis in decades. Israel’s Resource Minister at the time stated  publically that “these areas are within the economic waters of Israel…  We will not hesitate to use our force and strength to protect not only  the rule of law but the international maritime law.” 

All Israeli operations to uproot Hamas from Operation Cast Lead to Operation Returning Echo  ended in failure, the only thing the Israeli government did  successfully was to commit war crimes against innocent Palestinian  civilians. Operation Returning Echo was in 2011 and the Gaza Marine Gas  Field was discovered in 1999,  during these twelve years Israel’s objective has always been to seize  control over natural gas fields that belong to Palestinians. 

Twelve years of Israel sabotaging the development of the Gaza Marine Gas Fields and Israel’s repeated and unrelenting demands to  control all revenues from the Gaza Marine Gas Field solidified that no  deal could ever be made between the Israeli’s and the Palestinians. The  new Palestinian Government followed the path of Jordan and other Arab  countries in the region by signing a deal with Gazprom which is a large  Russian gas company. With the Russian’s now having a stake in the Gaza  Marine Gas Field and the Russian Navy patrolling the waters off the Gaza coast this acted as a strong deterrent to Israeli interference's. 

In 2014 Israel launched Operation Protective Edge  it was Israel’s fifth operation to dismantle Hamas, each with a  different name, each with the same Zionist rhetoric attached to them and  each failing with the only result being the death and suffering of  Palestinian civilians. Israel used propaganda to justify invading  another country for their natural resources over and over again. We see  the same rhetoric playout like a broken record about the “safety and  security of Israelis.” This whole time Israel’s actual objective in  Palestine is right out in the open for the world to see, yet, the world  chooses to ignore that Israel openly stated that their objective was and  still is to seize control over Gaza’s natural gas. 

Zionism  and the Zionistic brainwashing of the Israeli population and the  powers-that-be here in the United States is nothing less than a systemic  denial of the genocidal invasion and illegal occupation of Palestine.  Zionism if heavily adopted or practiced in any other country other than  Israel would be labeled a racist movement similar to White Nationalist  or White Supremacist. In fact, in 1975 the United Nations passed “Resolution 3379”  condemning Zionism as racist and referrered to Zionism as “a threat to  world peace and security” and also called upon all countries to oppose  this racist and imperialist ideology, On December 19th, 1991 the United  Nations recalled “Resolution 3379” because it was one of Israel’s  conditions for the participation of a UN observer at the Madrid Peace Conference

Zionism plays an integral role in Israel’s nearly 70-year occupation  of Palestine because as oppressors if you feel sympathy for those that  you are oppressing then the very foundation of the mirage of  dehumanization you built is threatened. If Palestinians are seen by  Israeli’s as human beings instead of being looked at as terrorist keen  on the destruction of the Israeli State then the illegal invasion and  suffocating occupation of Palestine will be exposed to Israeli  population and the world for the genocidal ethnic-cleansing that it is. 

In early 2015, the Gaza Marine Gas Field was still undeveloped  sixteen years after Gaza Marine gas wells were discovered. In mid-2015  the Palestinian Authority resumed negotiations with British Gas to  develop the Gaza Marine Gas Field and abrogated the exclusive rights it  had given to the company. The Palestine Investment Fund increased their  stake in the gas fields from 10% to 17.5%. Consolidated Contracting Company  has a 27.5% percent stake in the gas fields and in April of 2016, Shell  bought British Gas taking over the 55% stake British Gas held in the  Gaza gas fields. 

Israel has been seeking energy sustainability since it’s apartheid  started in 1967 and after repeatedly failing to find natural resources  within their own country. Israel still to this day has to import their  energy from other countries and the Israelis believe energy independence  is key to their sovereignty. When we think of the Palestinian-Israeli  conflict Gaza Marine 1 and 2 are often left out of the discussion while  partisan, hot-button and polarizing religious differences are  highlighted in a cult-like fashion by corporate media. 

Corporate media can’t expose how the real reason behind Israel’s  occupation of Palestine is Gaza’s natural gas resources because  corporate media are in the pockets of both the Military Industrial  Complex and the big oil and gas companies. The United States can’t  condemn or say anything bad about Israel because we consider them to be  an invaluable ally in the fight against terror. There is an old adage  among investigative journalist that says to “follow the money.” I am  finding that this adage is a bit outdated and perhaps nowadays we should  “follow the natural resources” and war crimes won’t be far behind, just  look what has happened or is happening to Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan,  Yemen, and Syria, in all of these conflicts there is one repeating  common denominator which is each country’s respective natural resources. 

Written by Joziah Thayer - Twitter @dapeaple Website - wedacoalition.org


Thank you for reporting this information on the blockchain. I didn't know there was gas there, though I guess I could have assumed. It is a prime piece of real estate for so many reasons. #SaveGaza #FreePalestine

not only is there gas but Palestine falls within the Fertile Crescent which makes it a valuable location for agriculture as well

This is very detailed article with some deep insights - I now have more detailed understanding what's going behind all the "media slogans" and catch phrases that the media just love to use! Thanks for sharing...

Thank you for your kind words wedacoalition.org tries to cut through mainstream media narratives with issues that really matter to people.

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I live in GAZA, life is not easy as it was ... never goes on as it should ... GAZA is an area like a wrestling cage ... Every agenda has parties to fight and only society pays the price ... We have spacious lands and no agriculture based economy, and we have people power with no electricity power to run the machine , we have gas but no economy at all ... we have internet and no bloackchain yet ... GAZA is a graveyard of man power :(
#gaza #savegaza #freepalestine