Vote for the person not the party.

in #ge14 • 7 years ago

🇲🇾Once again the citizens have to decide who govern our nation for the next 5 years. A respected senior came up with some questions to help us make this important decision.

1. Has the past government lifted the country to greater height or brought us shame?

2. Have your living standard improved or gone down? 

3. Is the government transparent in its administration?

4. Is there righteousness in Leadership or Arrogance?

5. Is there separation of power? Does justice flow like an everlasting stream? 

These are important things for a nation to take heed of if we are to forge a strong nation.

Our nation is at a cross road.

Your country needs you to decide its future direction.

Don't be afraid to vote according to your conscience.

Do not feel obliged when you are given things or money to vote in a certain way.

A corrupted vote is dirty.

Elect people to serve us and not self serving politicians.

Your vote has power. You are powerful now.

Exercise this power prayerfully.

Share this little thought with your friends, social groups or your relatives who are still undecided who to vote for the coming GE14.

Go back to your hometown, villages and share with the simple minded folks and help them to reason and vote rationally.