Should Time Travel Be Invented?

in #gedwriting8 years ago

Time travel, in my opinion, is one of the most interesting topics to talk about. There are many positive things that could take place if man had the power to control time. But, at the same time, there are also negative things that could take place. So, should time travel be invented? 

Time is used every single day of our lives. Without the concept of time, most people would not be able to get through their day as they would struggle to get things done quickly. Meaning, things would be done much slower and without any structure if we didn’t follow time. Everything we do involves time. For example, we have to get to work on time and we have lunch at specific times. If we had the power to travel through time, what would life be on Earth? Would it be better than it is now, or would it be worse? 

If time travel existed, all people would be able to fix their mistakes from the past and prevent many disasters from happening. People would be able to save many lives from natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tornados. There are many accidents that could be prevented with the help of time traveling. If the power of time traveling were to be in the right hands, I believe it could make the world a better place. If the right people had the power to travel through time, the life expectancy of people would be higher and there would be lower crime rates. 

On the other hand, if everybody had the power to control time, I believe this world could be the worst place to live on. Not all people are kindhearted. There would be many people who would travel through time to seek revenge. Most people would think that it would be a dream to have time travel possible, but don’t really realize how dangerous this power could be. With the power of time travel, it would probably be much easier for criminals to get away with their wrong doings. 

 Now, for the question we’ve all been waiting for: Should time travel be invented? I honestly admire the idea of time traveling but, I don’t think the people of today’s world will be capable of handling such power. There is too much bad in this world for such power to actually have a positive influence. With that power available, the world will eventually become similar to the underworld.       

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You can travel in time, but you must first separate your body from your mind, we call it the astral projection and lucid dreamers that the fonts and in this world there is neither time nor space , neither the past nor the future and everyone exists in only one time from Adams until the last human in the universe. the beginning of no. the beginning of our universe was a explosion (big bung) and the end will be an implosion.

I'm gonna see if we can get into this on the @steemittalk podcast this Saturday. Definitely a fun topic!

Good post!

Thanks really means much

You're Welcome!
It's great question, I expect some interesting conversation to come from this.

Hmmm don't get me started on this topic. We will never do any schoolwork. Good topic for a class discussion and you know me and class discussions. Good post.

Oh no, a class discussion on this topic will go on for days, lol

Time travel is a cool story device and I love to read stories or watch movies or TV show that contain Time travel elements.
But I don't think we have to worry about the actual invention of such a technology, since scientist agree that the energy needed to transport any matter through time would be unimaginable high and unobtainable.
So we are safe from anyone using that power against us.
But still it's cool to think about the "what if?"