What does your Instagram say about you? 💁🏽 ⠀
What are you really using your Instagram for? Are you saying how much you love your product? Or the value your product provides? ⚡️⠀
Sure, people want to know that you 💜 what you do.
It's nice to share information about yourself to put a face and personality behind the brand. But this should take up about 30% of your content.⠀
The other 70% should provide VALUE 💵 to your customers.
Do you make them money? Do you save them time? Do you teach them something? Tell your audience how they will feel if they buy your product.
Describe what their life would be like if they utilize your service. Talk about your "wow" factor and what makes you most qualified to help your customer. ⠀
Does your Instagram provide enough value to your audience?