You nailed it @samrisso. One who overcomes continues with an abominable spirit.
You had to have the best product, but more important you had to keep the customer satsfied.
And I had to be accessible to my clients. No one’s going to wait hours to buy drugs.
A dealer also has to stay ahead of the game or somebody screws him. Working under the law is so much better, but there are still rats. So we need strong relationships with trustworthy people. I'm really impressed with how you work so well with your son and of course are accessible and transparent.
As for the college prof. He or she is not the institution. They are great resource but few have the same street experience. I think we need a little of both but we don't have to spend a half a million dollars in buisness school to be an entrepreneur.
Yesterday my son asked me about SNL skit with NFTs. He said, "Dad why don't they teach us about NFTs at school?"