HUGE @recoveryinc shoutout to Steven Tyler and his sobriety!!!
The Steven Tyler alive today is very different from the Steven Tyler that rose to fame as lead singer of Aerosmith in the 1970’s.
Tyler, also known as the “Demon of Screamin” and half of the “Toxic Twins” duo, has been sober for just over nine years.
However, sobriety didn’t come easily or naturally to this infamous rockstar.
After decades of heavy drinking and drug abuse, it took him four attempts to finally get a significant amount of sobriety.
When Tyler was initially approached by his bandmates about his addiction problem, he didn’t take them seriously. He thought they were hypocritical and that getting sober would cost him his creativity.
However, little did he know that this intervention would be the first of many that would eventually lead him to the light of sobriety.