St. Francis of Assisi is the name patron of San Francisco and Pope Francis. This is relevant in the context of Numerology and Gematria, leading to the August 11, 2019 riddle, which is a date of immense esoteric significance, connecting to the Temple of Jerusalem, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Time. I wrote many articles about that topic and made a 2-hour long video with all the puzzle pieces, speculating about another 9/11 - but this time 8/11.
I highly suggest to watch the video with all details first or read the article:
August 11 Events
To refresh your memory, here are some of the 118 clues we have:
Date | Event |
8/11/2019 | Tisha B'Av |
8/11/2019 | Eid al-Adha (Islamic 'Festival of Sacrifice') |
8/9-14/2019 | The Hajj (annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca) |
8/11/2019 | 100th anniversary of Weimar Republic (Germany between 1919 and 1933) |
8/11/2019 | 45th Birthday of 45th San Francisco Mayor |
8/10-11/2019 | First San Francisco Settlement 88,888 days old |
8/11/2019 | WWE SummerSlam and Hulk Hogan 66th birthday |
8/11/2019 | 1989 World Series Team Reunion in San Francisco (reminding of Loma Prieta earthquake) |
118 days before August 8/11/2019 | San Francisco birthday on April 15 |
1 year and 18 days before 8/11/2019 | Grim Reaper over Golden Gate Bridge video released |
811 days before 8/11/2019 | Trump at Temple Wall |
8/11/2013 | Destruction of Golden Gate Bridge in 'Pacific Rim' |
8/11/1988 | Creation of al-Qaeda |
8/11/1987 | HAARP patent published |
8/11/1934 | Alcatraz Prison before San Francisco opened |
8/11/1930 | Golden Gate Bridge approved |
8/11/3114 BC | Mayan Calendar starts |
792 Gematria
One of the many clues in the research was St Francis of Assisi, who not just inspired the name of the city of San Francisco but also shares the Gematria value of 118, just like the 11th of August.
From St. Francis of Assisi's death to August 11, 2019, are 792 years and 311 days.
792 is a very special number: 911-119=792!
792 equals in Hebrew ישועתו or YESHUA (Jesus, or more specifically 'His Salvation').
The Sacred Geometry foundation and blue print for all that exists, is the Flower of Life:
The Greeks already used Gematria and called it 'Isopsephy':
It was King James, after which the King James Bible is named and which is heavily based on Gematria:
311 Gematria
August 11, 2019, is 792 years and 311 days after Assisi's death. I didn't find much about the 311. It is 3x11=33 and hence very interesting. I am sure there is more to the number that I simply don't know yet. I have found 'The truth shall set you free' and 'The Beast'.
122 Gematria
San Francisco lies on the 122nd Meridian West.
San Francisco also equals 122:
And so does its name cousin Pope Francis:
Also Golden State, a nickname for California equals 122:
Here are a few more 122's, just for fun:
The 202 meter tall Trump Tower has 58 floors. The tower is located at New York 10022, which is a Numerology of 122.
I already explained the 58 and 202 in The Great Riddle of August 11, 2019 - The Next 9/11 but here is a little reminder, as it fits so nicely together:
58 Gematria
The date numerology of August 11, 2019 (8+11+20+19=58), Trump being the 58th inaugurated president, his birthday being 58 days before August 11 and much more.
202 Gematria
The 202 meter Trump Tower fits also perfectly into the 202 Gematria. Here we find 'St Francis of Assisi' again, the 'Red Heifer', 'San Francisco' as well as 'Skull and Bones'.
Assisi's Death and Psalm 142
While he was praying on the mountain of Verna, during a forty-day fast in preparation for Michaelmas (September 29), Francis is said to have had a vision on or about September 14, 1224, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, as a result of which he received the stigmata. Brother Leo, who had been with Francis at the time, left a clear and simple account of the event, the first definite account of the phenomenon of stigmata. "Suddenly he saw a vision of a seraph, a six-winged angel on a cross. This angel gave him the gift of the five wounds of Christ."[36] Suffering from these stigmata and from trachoma, Francis received care in several cities (Siena, Cortona, Nocera) to no avail. In the end, he was brought back to a hut next to the Porziuncola. Here, in the place where it all began, feeling the end approaching, he spent the last days of his life dictating his spiritual Testament. He died on the evening of Saturday, October 3, 1226, singing Psalm 142 (141), "Voce mea ad Dominum".
142 are the days left in the year on August 11.
Oh my goodness @flauwy... you just keep linking more and more pieces to this riddle! you are blowing my mind! thank you for this great work hermano.