War By The Numbers: Muammar Gaddafi and The Libyan Civil War

in #gematria6 years ago (edited)


When Muammar Gaddafi planned to create a Pan-African currency based on the Libyan Golden Dinar, he basically signed his own death sentence. France former president Sarkozy and pawn of the US empire, led the NATO coalition into an air-strike campaign against Libya, effectively creating the most unstable and dangerous country in the world. It also opened the floodgates for African migrants, who try to reach a better life in Europe, drowning by the thousands while attempting to cross the sea in overloaded boats - exactly as Gaddafi has predicted before the war. Let's have a look at the numbers.

Muammar Gaddafi

The war came out of the Arab Spring, a social media uprising, accelerated by the CIA-controlled platform Facebook. The western interest was mostly to get rid of Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Muammar Gaddafi 112 58 266 86 404.PNG

His numbers are all significant. The value of 112 is the Emergency Telephone Number in Europe.

In the same cipher, it also equals another adversary of the United States of America: Fidel Castro.
112 Fidel Castro.PNG

The list for words with 58 is long and important. I am just picking one from the same cipher here: Freemasonry. Fitting, as France led the attacks and is one of the most freemasonic countries in the world.
58 Freemasonry Gematria.PNG

The number 266 from the Reversed English Ordinal cipher gives us the number of the degree of the Golden Gate at the ecliptic, the center of the Milky Way and also called the Gate of God. Pope Francis was born with the Sun at 266° of the ecliptic and later became the 266th pope on 3/13/13, which is 2/6/6 in prime numbers. Today, the Golden Gate has progressed into the 267° degree. The Golden Gate is revered in Astrotheology and associated with Osiris and ascension.

The value of 86 gives us in the same cipher Blood Sacrifice.
86 Blood Sacrifice.PNG

And the 404 number from the Jewish cipher connects to the Book of Revelation with its 404 verses.

Book of Revelation 66th book of Bible 404 verses 22 chapters 1189 total chapters 31102 total verses.PNG

It also connects us again with Pope Francis - in both English and Spanish!
404 Pope Francis.PNG
404 Papa Francisco.PNG

State of Libya

The full name of Libya is State of Libya. This equals 784 in the very fruitful Jewish cipher, where the rules of Hebrew Gematria are applied to English.

784 The State of Libya.PNG

In the same cipher, we get Eschatology for the same value.

734 Eschatology.PNG

Eschatology is a part of theology concerned with the final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity. This concept is commonly referred to as the "end of the world" or "end times".

In English Ordinal, we get the number 135, which has been part of so much of my recent research, it is always revealing when it pops up again.

135 State of Libya.PNG

It is the number of the Golden Gate Bridge, which has been coded over and over and over again throughout its history into important events and movies from all angles and sides.
135 Golden Gate Bridge.PNG

Gaddafi was first called a terrorist, then became the best friend of the West and then was called a terrorist again.
135 Terrorism.PNG

We are currently in the Year of the Pig.
135 Year of the Pig.PNG

2011 military intervention in Libya

When the NATO started their despicable attack on Libya, it was March 19. The same day, when the invasion of Iraq happened eight years before that and - again - the first day of the Season of Sacrifice. This is the favorite time of the year for ritualistic sacrifices and connected to Skull and Bones, the not-so-secret society from the nefarious Bush family. It begins with the first day of Aries, ruled by Mars - the God of War.

by Mark Passio

It lasted for 32 weeks and 2 days, reflecting the 322 trademark of Skull and Bones. That is also 226 days, connecting to the holy trinity of Astrotheology: Isis, Osiris, Horus. The practice of Ancient Mystery Religions is widely spread in the upper echelons of society. And the attack was pushed by the psychopaths Bill and Hillary Clinton (although lead by the freemasonic France).

From start to end of Libya military intervention by NATO 32w 2d 322.PNGFrom start to end of Libya military intervention by NATO 226d.PNG
skull bones 322.jpg226 Isis Osiris Horus.PNG
Gematria Ancient Mystery Religions 322.PNG226 Bill and Hillary Clinton.PNG

Operation Freedom Falcon

The 2011 military intervention in Libya by the NATO was called Operation Freedom Falcon, with a value of 695.

695 Operation Freedom Falcon.PNG

In Greek Isopsephy the number value 695 reflects the Greek word Alchemy. As we have already learned over the cause of my previous articles, the coders of the world apply the alchemical process of transmutation on the entire world history, to gradually install their New World Order with a One World Religion (or Atheism for the "profane" masses).

695 Alchemy Greek.PNG

Operation Unified Protector

The for-mentioned operation took place within the larger Operation Unified Protector.


The value of this title gives us the very cabbalistic number 311 (3x11=33).
311 Operation Unified Protector.PNG

311 The truth shall set you free.PNG

We have seen this number for the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, that led to the Fukushima catastrophe in Japan, taking place in the same year as the Libyan Civil War, on March 11 - 3/11.

2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami 311 113.PNG

We have also seen the Moon being at 311° of the ecliptic during the JFK assassination, in the sign of Capricorn, ruled by the planet Saturn.

JFK Assassination Moon Capricorn 311°.jpg

Capture and Sodomizing of Gaddafi

I spare you the videos of how the Libyan rebels have beaten and sodomized the already wounded Gaddafi with a bayonet, before killing him. Rest assured that I have watched it, to prove myself it really happened. It is beyond me how vicious people can become out of hatred. They might have lost friends and family in the civil war but nothing legitimizes behavior like that against any living being. If you don't believe me, follow this link to Youtube.

Death of Muammar Gaddafi.PNG

Hillary Clinton: "We Came, We Saw, He Died!"

I am not sure what to think about this quote from Hillary Clinton, referring to Gaddafi's death, transforming Julius Cesar's Veni, Vedi, Vici, other than pure, evil psychopath!

Of course, this quote was not by accident, as nearly nothing the US government does is done by accident. Their agenda is always politics by the numbers.

156 We came, we saw, he died (Clinton, Gaddafi).PNG

The value of 156 reflects the value of Six Six Six, the number of a man and the beast - very fitting for the beast that Hillary Clinton is.
156 Six Six Six Gematria.PNG

We don't have to go far: The Number of a man is also 156.
156 The Number Of A Man.PNG

It also reflects Thirty-Three, the highest degree in Freemasonry (at least as far as we know, some say once you reach that master mason level, you get initiated into even higher degrees).
156 Thirty-Three.PNG

The Hermetic doctrine As Above, So Below is the foundation for much of the ancient mystery religions.
156 As Above, So Below.PNG

The infamous number 911 is also the 156th Prime Number.
911 156th Prime 7109.PNG

That brings us to Revelation 9:11, the 156th verse of the Book of Revelation, referring to Abaddon, the King of the Abyss.
Revelation 9-11, verse 154 Abaddon Apollyon.PNG

Libyan Civil War

The Libyan Civil War lasted exactly 8 months, 1 week and 1 day - giving us 811.
From start to end of Libyan Civil War 8m 1w 1d (811).PNG

811 is the number of the massive research I have been doing, pointing towards August 10/11 and connecting back to the Golden Gate Bridge.

When we type 811 in Roman Numerals, we get the Skull and Bones number 322.
322 DCCCXI (811).jpg

And finally, we look forward from the end of the Libyan Civil War to August Eleven this year are 93 months and 11 days - the numbers of Saturn and the Master Number 11 which is the number of the Magician.

From end of Libyan Civil War to August Eleven 93m 11d.PNG

And from Gaddafi's death to August Eleven are 93 months and 22 days - again the number of Saturn and also the Master Builder Number 22.
From death of Muammar Gaddafi to August Eleven 93m 22d.PNG


Interesting post. :)
I cant say i understood why numbers are important here but its still interesting to see.

Because all historic events are done by the ancient mystery religion Kabbalah and Astrotheology, including our science, politics, wars and movies.

Numbers and words carry a vibrational pattern, as stated in the Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation), which is incorporated into Alchemy, Astrology and Magic by groups like the Freemasons, the Jesuits and many more of the upper echelons of society.

You don't have to believe that this energy is indeed true, as it matters little. All that matters is that THEY believe that.

hey flauwy i am new here and i always always tell people it does not matter if you and me believe their numbers but as long as they believe it we get their problems
great post and i will be looking for more from you here on steem
have a fabulous day sir

Exactly! People often get very defense about their world views without realizing that their own views don't matter to what is actually going on in the world.

totally agreed but you cant expect much more from people who have been indoctrinated by the system in schools colleges media and govt lol
have a great day sir and will keep a watchful eye on your posts since they are complicated but very enjoyable to read



17 + 45 = [DS]

No idea what you mean with "17 + 45 = [DS]". Can you explain?

Sure. 17 = Q (Anon). 45 = POTUS. [DS] = DEEP STATE in the Kill Box
For those keeping up with real news , events are beginning to crystalize and many bad actors within and outside of various secret societies will soon face justice.

If you believe in QAnon, than my profile is not for you. I am 100% convinced that QAnon and Donald Trump are as fake as it gets. Trump is the most coded president in the history of the United States, who is nothing else but an Israel pawn, with the perfect numbers and Astro-positions for the New World Order. You shouldn't watch so much Jordan Sather and Edge of Wonder on YouTube. The government will NEVER work for us. Research the occult and don't believe propaganda.

If you really believe anything that comes from QAnon then you are pro-government and I oppose that. There is zero difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and you are falling for a puppet show - the oldest show in the world.