Understanding Cat Behavior And What It Means 3/30

in #gems4 years ago

Does your cat misbehave? Run into walls, knock things over, dig holes in the carpet, chase other cats, jump on people, etc? If you’ve noticed any of these, then you need to Understanding Cat Behavior And What It Means. Cat behavior is a complex thing and one that it’s up to you (the owner) to understand. If you’ve been considering getting a cat, you should now have a pretty good idea about cat behavior.


Cat Behavior Can Be Classified Into Two Main Categories.

The first category is aggressive behavior, such as jumping, marking, etc. The second is submissive behavior, which includes sitting and rolling over, meowing, scratching, etc. You’ll notice that understanding cat behavior can be very confusing, So, what exactly is cat behavior? It consists of four basic types: play, hunting, pack hunting, and mate guarding. Each type has different physical and behavioral characteristics. And each of those characteristics can be very distinct.

Play Is Definitely The Easiest Kind Of Cat Behavior To Describe.

It’s when your cat plays and likes to play with you. The most common places to play are in your bed, on your lap. They enjoy being petted and held and will often curl up in your lap, purring. You should note that most cats will not hunt, but will chase a small mouse or something similar.


Another Type Of Cat Behavior Is Hunting,

Which is hunting for small creatures like mice, birds, insects, and rats. Unlike hunting in the wild, cat hunting usually doesn’t involve an arrow or any other weapon. Instead, the cats pounce on the small animals. It’s essential to keep in mind that not all cats will be able to assist you if you’ve lost a cat, so if your cat is missing, call a vet as soon as possible. Most cats will walk away if they sense danger.


Pack Hunting Is The Best-Known Example Of A Cat That Peels Off On Its Own.

This is also the most aggressive type of cat behavior. When this occurs, the cats take turns chasing the small animals, which can become quite violent. Note that young male cats are sometimes seen attacking other male cats as they’re preparing to fight, and this can even lead to fatal accidents.


Mate Guarding Refers To A Cat That Has Its Territory And Won’t Allow Other Cats Into It.

Note that this type of cat behavior is very rare and only occurs in the wild when there’s a dominant cat amongst the litter. A cat in this situation may try to prevent other cats from entering its territory by pinning them down, biting them, or making other physical threats. It’s very important to understand that you should never force a cat to go outside if it hasn’t been trained to do so. Doing so may cause your cat to become frightened, which can lead to further behavior problems.


Catios Or Cat Enclosures Are Popular Ways To Provide Your Cat With More Exercise And Socialization.

If you are worried about understanding cat behavior, you should take your cat to an indoor catio as soon as possible. Not only does an indoor catio provide your feline with a safe place to play and interact, but it also allows you to monitor how it behaves and how it feels about being alone or left alone.

Please feel free to comment and i am open to suggestions.

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Thank you for reading such a long post and hope i have been of some help to you.


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Hey, very sweet photos. Cats are very special and smart animals. I don't know who doesn't like them.
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