How to start your week ahead?

in #gems5 years ago

I bet some of you feel this “Monday sickness” every week. A tired and exhausting feeling that comes at night before or when you wake up in the mornings of Mondays. Yeah, I know, there are people who hate Mondays, I, myself is one of them.


To be productive, we should start a good Monday but how can we do it without actually feeling this void inside? In answering this question, I’ve come up with this blog post. So for this day’s blog, I wanted to share with you my top tips and tricks to start a good Monday.


1. Exercise it your way!
Stretching up may improve your flexibility, thus helping to improve your performance in physical activities. Making a big stretch after a good sleep or when you are tired to do anything can help yourself feel relaxed, energized, and ready to take on some action.


2. Breathe in, breathe out
Really? But in all honesty, letting yourself feel the warm or cozy feeling of air around you helps in making you feel alive.


3. Eat something delicious
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Having the right amount of calories you needed to start up your day can help you in fulfilling your tasks manageably. Eating a sumptuous amount of breakfast that you enjoy will surely make you feel energized.


4. Be an early bird
Going in your work or school earlier than your usual time can help you save from the hassle of traffic jams and stress brought by Monday mornings. It is better to make your usual yadda-yadda inside your classroom or office place instead of running just to make it on with your schedule.


5. Have a Monday morning ritual
A good Monday morning is a sign of a smooth week (at least, lol). Having your own Monday ritual like cleaning, gardening, or having a sip of your freshly brewed coffee is an enthusiastic way for your productivity to start up. Doing what you love before digging in with the upcoming adventures of the week will help in bringing you some good shot.

With these tips, I hope you’ll have a boost in your week. Enjoy your Mondays, and do what you love.


Monday Boosted!
A journal collective blog series.

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