Fluttering butterfly

in #gems5 years ago

Have you ever observed butterflies? If not, let me share my observations with you all.
I am certain that we can all agree on one thing and that is that butterflies are the most beautiful flying species and are widely distributed in areas of suitable habitats. Now the things you can observe is when they roll up their proboscis after sucking out the nectar from a flower Or how they gently land on a flower or how they take off without making much of a noise.
We must also never forget that these flying beauties have many hunters, but the butterflies have adapted to their surroundings for example scary eyes like patterns on wings, camouflaged bodies, hiding techniques etc. Being cute and beautiful does not mean they don't know how to defend themselves. 😊
Now let me talk a bit about my upload, this butterfly belongs to the family of blues, possibly a lesser grass blue butterfly but it is difficult to ID the exact name because there are no other angles of this butterfly. But this image was never clicked to identify the name of this species but it was more of an artistic shot with Open wings of the butterfly with the sunlight falling from the background, giving those beautiful wings an outline of brightness along with Retracted proboscis and moving antennas.
For me this image was highly satisfying. What about you?



Ashir, this is great i am looking forward to see more of amazing wildlife pictures from you in future