Having to pack everyone up to sort out the pain cuts the adventure short, remembering someone had an ear infection they used onion juice to clear it, walking through the door heading to the shower to see if steam from a hot shower would burst the water, still no prevail.
While I was steaming onion juice was made, by cutting an onion into bits placing it inside a cloth, cheese or muslin cloth would be best if not a cloth that juice can be squeezed through into a cup.
Using a dropper to suck up the juice to drip into the ear about three drops was instead relief.

Pliny the Elder of the first century AD wrote about the use of onions and cabbage in Pompeii. He documented Roman beliefs about the onion's ability to improve ocular ailments, aid in sleep, and heal everything from oral sores and toothaches to dog bites, lumbago, and even dysentery. Archaeologists unearthing Pompeii long after its 79 AD volcanic burial have found gardens resembling those in Pliny's detailed narratives.[19] According to texts collected in the fifth/sixth century AD under the authorial aegis of "Apicius" (said to have been a gourmet), onions were used in many Roman recipes.[19]
A humble vegetable like the onion may seem like an unlikely remedy for an ear infection, it worked for myself, will it work for you? You just may need to see, sure beats sitting in a doctor's office, queuing up at the chemist taking an hour or two out of the day.
I'm not a medical professional, if you have any medical questions you should reach out to someone in the medical field, as I'm just sharing my own point of view from my own research and experiences.
What's your favorite remedies?
*posted on other platforms
Thank you for stopping by really appreciate it, have a fabulous Day/Evening!

If you leave an onion lying around, apparently it absorbs all the bacteria around, or so I've heard - so no wonder it's good for earache!
I was reading something along those lines also, apparently they used to place a cut in half onion in a sock.
Onions are super helpful in so many ways!!
Amazing arn't they. A understated vegetable