Story of a High Performer

in #gems4 years ago

I've always wondered what being a super brain feels like... I mean how does it feel to be the best.


I mean is there any work that's attached to it or it just comes naturally. Well, I got to find the answers to my question when I got to Akwa Ibom.

The Journey

You see, I had the opportunity of staying with one. Physically, He was just a normal lad like everyone else but there was something different that made him stand out.


You see, every day, he would wake up by 5:30 am, start playing some inspirational spoken words he got from YouTube, put on his kit and jog to the stadium for training, long before his mates come to join in. Then at night, he would go on YouTube and watch videos of his mentors, and watch more tactics. This continued every single day.

I on the other hand, was just a normal graduate still trying to figure out life. I had a tiny picture of what I wanted but I just didn't know what to do.

The Influence

So, one day, I decided to go on YouTube because I had seen him do the same every day. So, I decided to look for answers too. To probably look for someone that could help. Just like he did.


So, while he watched his videos, I would do the same too. Then in the morning, while he starts playing all the inspirational words, they all start making sense to me. Then while he goes for his training, I'll start putting all I've learned to work. You see, I was trying to learn how to sell both physically and online.

The Turning Point

So, the trend continued. I started noticing a few changes in me. There was a difference in the way I talk because I started talking like one of the mentors I found. I felt different.

While he excelled at his football by winning his matches with his team (being the play maker all the time). I started getting my little victories.

I could still remember the first time I held my First Class on WhatsApp. How awesome I felt. I remembered the first time I got paid because of the writing skills I didn't know I had.


A lot of things changed, all because I was influenced by the life of a dedicated personality. A lot of things followed afterward and I met other incredible talents. Of which I'd share in other episodes of my stories.


There were 5 real lessons I learned from this one on how to be more effective

  1. Build and Protect your mindset (the morning inspirational words)
  2. Keep learning (the late-night videos)
  3. Find a mentor (one who resonates with your journey; online or offline)
  4. Take action (practice what you learn)
  5. Consistency ( continuous practice builds skills)

Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't met this brother of mine. I would have no skill and would probably be somewhere blaming the government.

But thank God I did. And for this, I would always appreciate my high performing friend. God bless you immensely..

The journey continues...

~ end ~