
lol that you would waste your time writing that bitchcraft & yet fail to provide any evidence to support your personal beliefs. Where did I say I believe the memo is genuine? I did not. I am keeping an open mind, which you should be doing also..... given your self appointed journalism.

you really can be quite a vile person sometimes. on your facebook post, and a group message chat, you spat your bile at everyone who told you it was fake. now you turn round again on me with your attacks and ad hominem. a thoroughly rotten soul.

someone this divisive can only be an intelligence asset, but either way, i don't want to know you any more.

Aha.... you revealed your shilliness at last.
I knew when you went all holy roller.
Especially when you spewed flat earth, but the final confirmation has arrived.
You make false accusations, claim victimhood AND (piece de resistance) you accuse me of being WHAT YOU ARE.
Now watch me let everyone know.
Ciao loser.
I am one of the last to know. I defended you. I was wrong.