Con perseverancia y nunca perdiendo la fe los sueños se pueden lograr! With perseverance and never losing faith dreams can be achieved!

in #gems5 years ago

Este año ah Sido bastante difícil para el mundo entero debido a esta pandemia del covid-19 pero en marzo de este año 2020 realice uno de mis sueños y metas por alcanzar en la vida, como fue presentar mi tesis para obtener el título de licenciada en enfermería en una de las universidades públicas más reconocidas en el oriente del país y Venezuela,como lo es la "universidad de Oriente"UDO.
This year has been quite difficult for the entire world due to this covid-19 pandemic, but in March of this year 2020 I realized one of my dreams and goals to achieve in life, such as presenting my thesis to obtain the title of Bachelor of nursing at one of the most recognized public universities in the east of the country and Venezuela, such as the "Universidad de Oriente" UDO.

Esta meta la tenía trazada en mi vida ya que siempre sentía que una parte de mi vida profesional estaba sin finalizar, en el año 2009 culmine todas mis materia para obtar a el título de licenciada en enfermería,pero por ciertas circunstancias de la vida no pude terminar, gracias a dios y la ayuda de un ser muy especial y que me ayudó mucho durante la elaboración y presentación de mi tesis fue mi comadre y profesora Isabel Velázquez, fue uno de mis mayores apoyo aparte de mi familia,mis hijos,mi madre y mi esposo.
This goal was set in my life since I always felt that a part of my professional life was unfinished, in 2009 I completed all my subjects to obtain the title of nursing graduate, but due to certain circumstances in life I could not finish, thank god and the help of a very special being and who helped me a lot during the preparation and presentation of my thesis, was my comadre and teacher Isabel Velázquez, she was one of my greatest support apart from my family, my children, my mother and my husband.

Esta es mi madre @petrarodriguez le debo la vida y formó parte importante de este logro, mi padre y mis hijos no pudieron asistir a esta exposición pero también son piezas sumamente importante en mi vida los amo como nada en esta vida!

This is my mother @petrarodriguez I owe her life and she was an important part of this achievement, my father and my children could not attend this exhibition but they are also extremely important pieces in my life I love them like nothing in this life!

Y finalmente mi esposo que me brindó su apoyo durante mi decisión de finalizar mis estudios y ahora ver el triunfo en mi. Gracias @edgargonzalez

And finally my husband who gave me his support during my decision to finish my studies and now see the triumph in me. Thanks @edgargonzalez

Presente mi tesis de grado y tuve mension honorífica con mension a publicación! Finalizó esta historia hecha realidad con esta frase que siempre me gustó y con ella finalice mi presentación de mi tesis..
"Para empezar un gran proyecto hace falta valentía,para terminar un gran proyecto hace falta perseverancia!"

I presented my thesis and I had an honorable mention with a publication! This story came true with this phrase that I always liked and ended my presentation of my thesis with it. "To start a great project it takes courage, to finish a great project it takes perseverance!"


Congratulations, mi amiga!
For 10 years I was a nurse and I worked in psychiatry and elderly care.
I still remember my nursing training and skills, and they help me all the time : )
I'm certain you are a great nurse!

Thanks friend, @drutter I have 12 years of service in a hospital in the operating room as an instrumentalist, and I work in a clinic in neonatal therapy, I like my career and I love every action I do! Today I finish my studies and I am a graduate, I dreamed of achieving this goal and showing that when you want you can! I hope you are well as your family

Wonderful! I'm so happy you could achieve your goals. Especially considering the extra hardships imposed on you through the whole process. Well done!! You must make Venezuela proud of you, a beloved daughter of the people : ))
Blessings to you and Edgar and your families.