¡Lo logramos!/We did it!

in #gems3 years ago (edited)
Buenas tardes amigos de #HiveBlog, el día de hoy les quiero contar una anécdota muy personal.

Good afternoon friends of #HiveBlog, today I want to tell you a very personal anecdote.


Como todos sabrán actualmente atravesamos una pandemia mundial que ha afectado muchísimo la economía de todos los países. En este caso yo me encuentro en el país que mas problemas económicos tiene que es Venezuela, tenemos un negocio familiar que es un Bodegón con el cual subsistimos ante toda esta crisis, para quienes son de otros países un bodegón es una licorería que tiene permitido vender comida.

As you all know today, we are going through a global pandemic that has greatly affected the economy of all countries. In this case, I am in the country that has the most economic problems, which is Venezuela, we have a family business that is a still life with which we survive in the face of this crisis, for those who are from other countries, a still life is a liquor store that is allowed to sell food.

Desde el 2017 que todo empezó a empeorar acá nos vimos muy afectados, al punto de llegar casi al quiebre total del negocio. Buscando alternativas de como obtener mas ventas nos metimos en la venta de licores al mayor, surtiendo así a bodegas pequeñas en los "barrios" y de esta manera poder sostenernos en toda esta crisis.

Since 2017, when everything started to get worse here, we were very affected, to the point of almost reaching a total bankruptcy of the business. Looking for alternatives on how to obtain more sales, we got into the wholesale liquor sale, thus supplying small wineries in the "neighborhoods" and in this way being able to sustain ourselves in all this problem.

Desde el año 2018 hemos tratado de conseguir directamente con la empresa creadora del ron "Record" que nos surtieran una cantidad considerable de este licor para poder surtir a nuestros clientes ya que, actualmente es uno de los mas consumidos por su accesible precio, normalmente es vendido entre 2 a 2.5$ cada botella que contiene un litro.

Since 2018 we have tried to get directly with the company that created the "Record" rum to supply us with a considerable amount of this liquor to be able to supply our customers since, currently it is one of the most consumed by its accessible price, normally it is sold between 2 to 2.5 $ each bottle that contains one liter.

Desde diciembre del año 2020 nos indicaron que estaríamos entre los bodegones que serian surtidos en Cumaná, ya que los camiones vienen de Valencia, fue una emoción muy grande para nosotros, pensamos que seria mas tardar el mes de enero que estariamos recibiendo la primera carga que nos indicaron seria de 500 cajas.

Since December 2020 they told us that we would be among the still lifes that would be supplied in Cumaná, since the trucks come from Valencia, it was a very great emotion for us, we thought that it would be later than the month of January that we would be receiving the first load that They indicated it would be 500 boxes.

Para nuestra sorpresa no fue así, pasaron los meses y nos indicaban siempre lo mismo "para la próxima semana sale su pedido", ya realmente habíamos perdido la esperanza hasta el día de ayer, fue una llamada sorpresa de muchísima alegría donde nos indicaron que el camión estaría llegando el día de hoy y por la demora nos traían "700 cajas", no lo podíamos creer.

To our surprise it was not like that, the months passed and they always told us the same "for next week your order will be shipped", we had really lost hope until yesterday, it was a surprise call of great joy where they told us that the The truck would be arriving today and due to the delay they were bringing us "700 boxes", we couldn't believe it.

Nos despertamos muy temprano, ya a las 7:00AM nos encontrábamos alertas al llamado, fuimos a buscar a las personas que contratamos para ayudar a la descarga y nos dirigimos a la licorería.

We woke up very early, at 7:00 AM we were alert to the call, we went to look for the people we hired to help with the unloading and we went to the liquor store.

El camión llego aproximadamente a las 9:00AM, nos mostraron la factura, la guía de viaje y comenzamos la descarga, fue bastante agotador la verdad, acá me encuentro yo con un dolor de espalda muy fuerte ya que me dispuse ayudar a cargar las cajas para culminar un poco mas rápido, adolorida pero feliz.

The truck arrived at approximately 9:00 AM, they showed us the invoice, the travel guide and we began the unloading, it was quite exhausting to be honest, here I find myself with a very bad back pain since I decided to help load the boxes to finish a little faster, sore but happy.


La descarga duro aproximadamente 4 horas, ya que una parte la subimos al primer piso.

The unloading lasted approximately 4 hours, since part of it we went up to the first floor.

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Valio la pena la espera. Realmente el tiempo de Dios es perfecto, todo sucedió en el momento indicado, realmente hay siempre que tener mucha Fe y no desesperar.

The wait was worth it. God's timing is really perfect, everything happened at the right time, you really always have to have a lot of faith and not despair.


Gracias por leerme amigos, me gusta muchismo escribir aca y compartir con ustedes.

Thanks for reading me friends, I really like writing here and sharing with you.

Las fotos son de mi autoria tomadas con mi Blu G8./The photos are of my authorship taken with my Blu G8.

Traductor utilizado "google traslate"/Translator used "google traslate"