"This entire show is for the benefit of those of us who are awake. They want us to collapse the systems. It isn't just a simple depopulation that's required (otherwise just contaminate the water supply), it is deliberately designed to expose all.
We will bring about the reset.
The collateral damage has to be visible and via a conspiracy theory mechanism in order for anger to percolate sufficiently.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) Great Reset is a psy-op.
We will bring about the Reset by exposing the lies (which are deliberately thinly veiled) and overthrow the old systems.
And this is also where the Q movement (another psy-op) neatly slots in. We will feel a great sense of relief in creating a "New World Order" of our own.
One that was always the intended outcome of the controllers.
All only my opinion.
I have been suspicious for many months. WEF Reset is too visible & the stuff of adult nightmares. Depopulation so easy without this performing arts & syringe . The microbe narrative too easy to debunk. It has not even been isolated.
The lies are meant to be exposed.
The awake are needed to advance society to the next phase
Anyone who wants the old normal to return (those who are vaxxed in the main) would be resistant to change as they are too comfortable in the old world. This includes public sector workers/celebs etc. All useful idiots. We will see more lies being "revealed" and will feel we have "won" the war=Reset.
Also designed so all the useful idiots have left their grubby fingerprints over everything. All meetings recorded via Zoom, brown envelope money bag payments etc. WEF reset narrative is also a trap for them as they believe they will have a place at Schwab's table. Lots of double agents."
By HandsFaceSpace on Twitter
"The Age of Aquarius started astrologically on the 21/12/20. It is no surprise then that shortly before this date the insane Covid vax, which will be offered to every person on the planet, was rolled out.
It appears this Aquarian Age "Selection Process" has now begun.
Everything about this vax is intentionally off-putting and insane
•It was rushed
•Its experimental
•It alters your DNA
•Has unknown medium and long term side affects
•Doesn't stop you getting covid
•Doesn't stop you transmitting it
•Side affects may include.. death
In telling us how insanely stupid & dangerous this Covid vax is, the 'Elites' will believe they are absolving themselves of any Karmic retribution. Anyone who takes it and dies, will be simply be viewed as being victims of a necessary Darwinian natural selection process.
There have been many stories of adverse reactions to the vax in the MSM.
Surely if they wanted all of us to take this then these stories would never come out? This paradox makes sense if we consider that they want to scare a small section of people to NOT take it & survive.
We're in a spiritual IQ test for entry to the "New Age of Aquarius World Order".
We're given a choice:
Corrupt your sacred DNA to go back to the old normal of the 'old world order'.
Or don't.
All who choose incorrectly will be deemed unsuitable and will not make it.
They are not really trying to fool us.
They want us to know we are being fooled.
All the OTT tyranny and theatrics are for us.
They want truthers to KNOW something is up.
They even have nurses dancing around empty hospitals!There is a much deeper level to this #plandemic.
There is a "kill switch" (cytokine storm) in the vax which when triggered will kill up to 80% of people within a year or so of taking it.
If this happens it would be the most traumatic event in human history. It would lead to a complete breakdown of society globally and a period of total chaos. The stage will be well and truly set for the 'Maitreya' to make his appearance and restore 'order'.
Christians will believe they have survived the Mark of the Beast and that this New Age 'Maitreya' is in fact Christ returned in the flesh.
The New Age of Aquarius World Order will then begin.
All who reject this 'World Teacher' and his New Age Religion will become outcasts from society and face extreme persecution as has been warned both in the Bible and by prominent New Agers themselves.
Theosophists claim that all religions have a portion of 'Truth' and that "there is no religion higher that truth". Their coming Satanic world religion will be a synchronism of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, eastern mysticism, paganism & occultism all under one flag."
(Note: it is green! No coincidence!)
Extracts from:
James Paul on Twitter (@JamesPa74499104)
Comment on the above by Fran:
I concur with all the above but would like to add that I have repeatedly written that the predator Black Nobility have been following the Biblical book of Revelation to the letter with their plan.
However, this "Maitreya" is a false teacher who will quickly be revealed as such by a genuine warrior leader, mentioned in the eschatology of Jewish, Christian & Islamic traditions as the return of Jesus.
Read onward in Revelation 20 for the events which will follow.....
Your comments will be welcomed either here or by email to:
[email protected]
It is a very fucking old plan by bianca rothschild
20 years ago they told about a multi-media special
called N.E.W.S.
janus head
Can you see the shrunken head at the bottom of the upside down picture?
So many rational replies. I am so sad I missed this post when I could have upvoted it. I do appreciate seeing it now, and am far better able to observe just how prescient it was then, seemingly a lifetime ago.
Right or wrong, you are about the only person Hive who is discussing this angle.
The level of support you get...or don't get...never fails to amaze me.
Stick to your guns.
I have been an activist since 1967. Always autonomous. Sometimes I think it is probably best that way. Support is not something I have ever known so I don't miss what I have never had....
Much love to you Frot. Much appreciated xx
Hi Frances, I think this has to be right. It'll take a little time for this to sink in and gel with my now rather complicated world view (which has so many contingencies attached to it that I'm finding it hard to manage). One thing has already arisen which I hadn't spotted before, which is the first of those Guidestone commandments. Maintain the population ... has within it the implication that the population is already 500,000.
But actually the main reason I am replying here is to thank you for all you've done. This is just one of several areas where you've clarified my understanding or steadied my mind. It's also fabulous, and absolutely necessary, to have other people on this journey. A lot of it has to be done alone but you'd go insane if you had to deal with the whole lot entirely by yourself. So, lots of love, Christian. xx