Versos libres: Línea roja / Free verses: Red line

in #gems4 years ago (edited)



La idea de lo imposible se apodero de su ser
vida no eres vida
vida no eres vida
vida no eres vida
Era todo lo que repetía
Divagando en un mar de palabras que carecían de sentido
Anhelando nobleza en su castigo
Lo real del odio y lo irreal del amor
Lo genuino en sus ojos y lo fingido en sus labios
La verdad y la mentira
Separadas por una línea roja que ella no distinguía
La llevarían a ahogarse
En un mundo que no conocía

descarga (7).png

Now, in English

The idea of the impossible took hold of his being
Life is not life
Life is not life
Life is not life

It was all he kept saying
Wandering in a sea of words that were meaningless
Longing for nobility in their punishment
The real of hate and the unreal of love
The genuine in their eyes and the fake in their lips
The truth and the lie
Separated by a red line that she couldn't tell
They would take her to drown
In a world I didn't know

descarga (7).png

Gracias por leerme ¡Hasta el próximo post!

Thanks for reading me. See you in the next post!