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RE: Passive & Active Income On HIVE - An Overview Of My Strategies

in #gems5 years ago

Awesome post and extremely helpful post. Thanks for sharing this information with us. I'm going to save this and refer back to it frequently.

One question if I may...

Under "Curation" you mention "Upvote it around 4-5 minutes for maximum 'potential' rewards." Could you expand a little more on this, please?

Is that 4 - 5 minutes after the post has been published, or where exactly does the 4 - 5 minutes come into effect?

Thanks Jon.


Yup, so there is this super scientific thing called the 'rewards curve' which requires a PHd in mathematics to figure out LOL

But in a nutshell, if you 'upvote' a post around the 4 to 5 minute mark, this is where the maximum amount of rewards will be generated in 7 days...

There are tons of other factors that determine when is the best time for the rewards which again, are way too confusing for my simple mind to understand lol But that's my rule of thumb...If I'm online and see a post, I try to upvote it around the 4-5 minute mark.

Hope this helps.

Thanks a million. I am learning something new every day and this definitely helps a lot!

Hi Jon. I'm currently trying to learn as much as possible about Hive in order to become more productive.

In the process I discovered this info which confirmed exactly what you explained to me in answer to my question.

I just thought I'll share it here and maybe someone else might also benefit from it...

I found it here.

Thanks again for your help and I hope this might help someone else too.