This made me think of the irony of life, Venezuela was for a long time an oil power and at the moment, it is going through one of the worst crises regarding gasoline production. As it is possible, you have to queue for up to 24 hours to fill 20 or 30 liters of fuel.

Gasoline distribution has become an activity in the main cities of the country characterized by corruption and abuse by the National Guard (GNB), who mistreat users and beat them up to sell them gasoline.
Lack of investment and mismanagement has led to this crisis in the oil industry. It is urgent and necessary that the refineries in the country be reactivated, for now a large part of the population had their hopes placed on the arrival of ships from Iran for the distribution of fuel and chemical additives that will allow the reactivation of some refineries in the country.
Unfortunately, the reality is different, the queues are even worse, people go to service stations one day before they receive their last number of plates, they stay there for more than 24 hours; however, the premium stations, where they charge a liter of gasoline at $ 0.5, are always low in traffic.
Refueling has become a Russian roulette, you wake up queuing at a gas station without knowing if there is one or if you are going to arrive on that day. There is no certainty where the longed for fuel will be. My husband made his tail from dawn and the gandola never came. He had no choice but to go home, upset, tired, and out of gas. Wait 5 days later to try again.
Sadly right now, gasoline IS NOT
There are many doubts and concerns on this issue, let's hope this situation improves soon, let's be optimistic and let's go back to being the country we went before.