You'll Never Be Rich

in #gems5 years ago


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I grew up in a low-income household. My father was a strong advocate for "living below your means."

And being around people in the same social stratum I've seen many families always stressed about money...

One day I'm with some other kids sitting on the same bench doing nothing... (Real losers! lol)

And I joked "you know what... One day I'll be rich!"

They all laughed... One even said, "You'll never be rich!"

Why would someone who was supposed to be my "friend" actually say that?

How many people around you truly believe in you?

Do this...

Count the number of people who would be truly supportive and excited if you'd come to them and say:

"My goal is to become rich in the next 3 years"

You'd be lucky to have two!

Let alone have someone to guide you towards this goal...

This is why reading books is so vital for financial success.


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It's like having a conversation with a millionaire who wants to see you succeed.

I remember reading an email from Brendon Burchard who gave me this amazing advice...

"Even if you don't have time to read you can always pick one life-changing idea on one page every day"

Since then I have this daily ritual called my 1-Minute For Wealth where I grab a book now and read ONE page to get one good idea or insight.

You won't believe how many times this has resulted in helping me generate extra income, saved me money or simply solved my problems with ease.

Doing this will change your life.

Thanks so much for reading. Let's stay in touch.