Maybe it's not greener on the other side, at least look at it!

in #gems4 years ago


Recently I wrote about the concept of a mindset as a precursor for success relating it to the foundation, the roots.. I believe the mind is the root / foundational basis for all actions. I shall share it two different experiences as experienced by yours truly.. Over the last week I was to be interviewed by two different companies, one a financial institution and the other a chess company, creating awesome content for study by chess players.. No questions the one I'd choose without thought, the chess company, being a chess player and a lover of chess, no questions.

The interviews were different , not to say the organizations have different values , but in one of the interviews I can say I made a friend, and from the other I can't seem to understand if I was being intimated or oppressed, granted the knowledge the interviewers have that yes jobs are very scarce at this end of the world and well they are just shitty people, or at least they've learnt to become this shitty from working in toxic workspaces..
In one interview, I wasn't even asked about the specifics of the position I applied for rather my assessment of the questions I was being asked were an indication of how well I might fit into their workspace ensuring productivity and imbibing an organizational citizenship behaviour, after the interview, I was more than willing to work for this company, even intern for them , possibly even work for less renumeration, why ? The interviewer created such a homely ambience , respectfully asking me questions and further even giving off an exquisite brand image for the company, I loved it !
Not just because it's an international company or I'd have the opportunity to work with lots of foreigners or that the interviewer was a foreigner and very respectful, I loved it, everyone loves being treated respectfully especially from superiors.

It appears that Nigerians are already used to the oppressive nature of daily Nigerian life .. Asides having to wait pretty much all day without having much done , there was also an intimidating presence , a lot of smart people but now shaky because of an oppressive ambience, perusing your dressing vigorously, basically they were just nitpicking. Confidence waned for many , physical fatigue from waiting forever and expected to give your absolute best, it sucks but we've found a way to make it the norm.. It is what it is...
Exposure is important , seeing how things are done elsewhere, defying the norms and thinking beyond your horizon, a lot of us need this. The hard way is not always the best way..

Cheers people 😃.

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