Trying out Splinterlands for the First Time!

in #gems5 years ago (edited)

After stumbling upon a post earlier by @travelgirl, I decided to give Splinterlands a try!


Shout out to @cryptictruth, because when I logged in, I had a bunch of cards waiting for me. He hooked me up big time :D Thanks again!


I used to be a big Hearthstone nerd a few years back, and in my early days, a HUGE MTG fanatic (i'd go to the flea markets every weekend with my dad to buy cards!), so trying out a card game built on the blockchain was an instant YES in my book.

I bought my Summoner's book thing (I already forgot what it's called LOL), and dove right in.


(Of course, I had to set my avatar to be a Ghost ;) )

My first game, I had absolutely 0 clue of what I was doing - I didn't even realize I had to click the "Battle" button, so I ended up forfeiting my very first match, lmao.

The 2nd game I played went a little better. After not derping (and clicking "Battle" this time), I was in a practice round fighting for glory!


Game #2 went much better! I won by the skin of my teeth - I think by like 1 point O.o


Game #3 was a bit better of a win (and revenge for the first match, as I got matched against the same person).

I still have 0 idea of what I'm doing, but I'm sure putzing around more with this, I'll be a pro in no time.

Have any tips for me? I'd be happy to hear!

-- and I'll see you all out on the battlefield 😉

(Shout out to @splinterlands for making this awesome game!)

Also, feel free to add me on Splinterlands - @nulledghostt


@ctime oh noes - what list did i get myself on for catching mad downvotes from you? :/ and how do I fix this D:

Make sure to check out @peakmonsters for card rentals. Make sure to pick a few teams to level so you can quest easy. Also check out the market cards are cheap in the new set for now.

I hadn't thought about renting cards, that's a pretty solid idea! Do you have any suggestions as to a good "beginners meta"?

Have a good read through the rules. Evertime you get beaten see how they did it. Try to target one spot on the deck in battles. If they lose the first card it's hard to recover and as you win some Dec maybe focus on on splinter first to win more battles and Dec. After that you can try to round out you deck a bit more. I find fire very effective in the lower levels with sneak and opportunity cards.

Good points! Fire was working pretty well for me for a bit, so I was able to knock out a fire quest right off the bat for some extra DEC. After that I was running some sneak/oppo cards and they did a very nice job of cleaning up some of the backline in games!

I’m glad you got the cards! I’d understand each cards abilities and get use to the rules for each match. It’s also a lit lining up the cards to best match the rule set and try to predict what your opponent will use. Honestly it just takes playing ranked matches. Od recommend using the dec you earn to buy more cards and start leveling them up. You can actually make a decent amount of money playing this game.

Yeah I noticed that positioning played a huge role here! Played probably 20 matches last night, quite a bit of fun. Will have to burn some DEC today and see what I get! Thanks again :D

I’m glad your having fun that’s what it’s all about. Hopefully you can start getting some good quest rewards too!

Me too! I can tell it's already going to be a time sink lol, I bought my first 10 packs today :x

Buy those cards or packs with DEC, it is cheaper than paying using credits or other crypto. So exchange HIVE with DEC on hive-engine. #tips

I had thought so too, but yesterday when I looked it seemed more expensive/the market wasn't liquid enough to make it worthwhile. Perhaps I wasn't looking at the right time

I guess the untamed packs are still cheap😉 because 2000 DEC per pack is always cheaper than 2000 Credits👍

hahaha - I tried it myself several days ago and also didn't have a single clue what was I actually doing. 😂
However, I realized that without Splitnterlands main pack or however it's called I wouldn't be able to participate in tournaments and other games. In short I wouldn't be able to really progress in the game, so my plan now is to purchase that pack and see what can I do in that game.
Of course, after I eventually figure out, in the meantime, what I'm doing. 😅

Haha honestly that's my favorite way to try out / learn a new game - is just dive right in and facesmash my way to (eventual) victory xD

So do you mean like, the "original/classic" packs that they came out with are mandatory to sign up for the tourneys? I hadn't read that anywhere/heard anyone mention that yet, so that's good to know. Is there like an actual "starter" set or just random packs?

Yes, as far as I understood (and tried) without Summoner's Spellbook pack it wouldn't be possible for a player to attend tournaments. And what I'm 100% sure of is that, for instance, I managed to complete some quests in the meantime by reaching Bronze III level, but without the above mentioned pack I'm not able to claim the reward of 5 looted chests. Checkmate! 😅

OOOOHH you just meant the summoner's spellbook (the $10 one) - I gotcha! I thought there were also "packs" that were required in addition to that.

I'd say it's worth it! You can buy the spellbook with DEC, right? If so, you can find DEC cheaper on Hive-engine - I think you could end up getting the book for like $7 or $8 instead of 10 if you went through there.

Gotta love how they paywall all teh goodies 😂

I'm waiting now for their Halving Promotion that starts today and which they announced yesterday, so maybe I'll have the luck to get some extra card with my purchase. 😉 😀

I saw that too! Tempting me to drop some bitcoin on it, but......kinda want my bitcoins more right now D:

Have any tips for me? I'd be happy to hear!

i remember just playing a heap of matches and reading a lot. i'm still playing a heap of matches and reading a lot. lol

Haha! I feel that, reminds me of hearthstone.

I've played a few ranked matches so far and I'm 4-1 playing Fire. Starting to get the hang of this!

in my opinion SPLINTERLANDS is the best game blockchain-based.

I will download that tomorrow but for now need to go to sleep.

Welcome to Splinterlands! May we meet on the battlefield 😉

Thanks! I'm sure I'll run into you at some point - took a few day hiatus but i'll be around this week 😉