You might have heard of Gifu a BSC token started last year and then bridged over to Hive recently. I was just reading this post by Mel and it made me stop and think, why Gifu?
What we do
Well many people know we make gifs....we are just about to cross half a billion views on Giphy and probably the same on tenor and this does not include shares. So when the team asked us to make some Gifu gifs it was very exciting for us. We created a whole new character as you can see. It is good fun playing with it and developing it as we are only in the early days of what is planned for Gifu.
So why Gifu?
Gifu seems to be fun but the more I am involved and look at it this seems to be a very powerful project. Not only have the Gifs given it millions of views already which is spreading the brand awareness like fire but the tokenmoics developed by the team are wild. I am going to bullet point some of these:
there is a tax, every time Gifu is bought or sold then Gifu gets burnt. Already 5% of the total Gifu has gone.....and they only just starting.
They are not asset backed but they have already amassed a number of assets supporting the project which again burns Gifu.....
There are no costs so currently all earning are put back into the project, they have achieved already about $30k of liquidity on BSC and Hive meaning you will be able to buy and more importantly sell your Gifu if you need to.
The team are well known on hive and doxed. These are people you can see and talk to, people you know that are not going to Rug but just keep on working.
They are brokering commissions of Gifs to support projects and already have a number of deals done with projects like BBH and Splinterlands. A part of the payment for these goes to burning more Gifu!
What next
Lots could be done with Gifu, this is a start up project with a low market cap and has extreme potential to grow. Lets look at some of the things that could come next:
- More gif commissions and the onboarding of more Gif creators.
- Collaborations and inclusion in games
- Promo gifs to be made for BSC projects to raise brand awareness
- Possible use of Gifu token in various games and maybe more.....
- Onboarding project to Hive
- Gifu Faithful project ....
I mean there is loads more than that but it starts to give you a flavour of what could be coming up for Gifu! It is definitely exciting to be part of it and is definitely the most exciting crypto project with have seen for quite some time. It has so much potential and a great team to make it happen. With the amounts of continuous burns and buy backs I think there is only one way for the price to go....
If you want to know more go to @gifu on Hive, check out there Links or delegate to @gifufaithful to earn daily gifu!
Gifu Gifu!
Louder man !!!
let's do our own research always
ye always best idea, we did ours and its golden!
Sounds so exciting!