Not one to work for a big boss? I get you. It's the reason why I decided to embark on a journey as a freelancer, putting my love for writing and talent for marketing to good use. However, the road is like South Africa's highway's, marred with potholes and presenting a challenge to enthusiastic travelers. Nonetheless, the destination waits and, with determination and focus, you CAN be a self-employed writer or content creator.
This era is a tricky one. The market is flooded and then we have that which cannot be name (erhm, ChatGPT). This just means you have to be more patient and dutiful with your search to find the perfect clients. What I am certain of is that these clients do exists! Here's what worked for me:
People Per Hour
Portals like Upwork really do work. Yet again, they ARE flooded! I found People Per Hour to be a less competitive start. The commission you pay the network IS ghastly. However, it's a good starting point to build a portfolio and find companies looking for writers who DON'T use AI.
This is my hotspot! Maintain traction with posting and building connections and you'll soon have non-spammy enquirers infiltrating your inbox.
This is a great place to showcase your testimonials and reviews, proving your transparency and quality of work. I also found that joining groups is good. You can scan for posts where businesses are looking for content creators, offering favouring feelancers because of the adaptability and willingness to work with other teams.
Instagram is ideal for visibility. Combine this with Threads and the simple angle of popping up to say "hi" may grab the attention of other content creators looking for a copywriter to complement their work.
The "hello, I'm still here" approach helps you to retain your current client base. It also often keeps you in their thoughts when associates and friends are looking for similar material. A free MailChimp subscription and a monthly check-in can help you navigate potholes and arrive at your destination unhinged.
Another idea is to join local business networking groups - living in a digital world, we can STILL connect personally. Your own website and portfolio are a MUST, even if it's a quick Wix job!