Last night I had a very strange dream, I dreamt I was flying. I was flying over places that I didn't detail very well. It was my soul flying to another destination and I felt that to find a better destination than I had had to fly a lot for a long time.
The destination was another life, although I can not say I believe in reincarnation. But neither do I fiercely defend traditional Christian concepts. I only remember that when Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead he told his disciples "Many things I would like to tell you, but you cannot bear them. The Holy Spirit, he will guide you into all truth". I tend to believe that the whole truth is not there in the biblical text.
Although I have not exactly been thinking of souls, it happens that very recently an aunt of mine died and my wife looks after her sister in a public hospital where at least fourteen people have died near her and she even spoke to three of them.
I wanted to write this down now, because I feel that I just had that dream.