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RE: Amber: A negative energy transformer

in #gemstones7 years ago

Don't understand why someone thinks they have to be the hall monitor. I will probably get a few of these on my posts also. I'm just a hick! I misspell things on purpose sometimes! Love the article though.
Glad you are doing so well after the injuries. I have a dear friend that had a tumor removed and I've seen his struggle towards normalcy. OOps, better get out my dictionary! lol Love and hugs to you


Thank you very much and I hope your friend does well. One of the things that helped me the most as playing computer games. Puzzle and mind games like sudoku, solitaire and such even the role playing games like Elder Scrolls & Morrowwind. Anything that can focus your attention and hold it or make you think through more than one step at a time.

There was several years, I could not walk and then several more before I could walk well enough to go outside by myself. That left a lot of time with nothing to do and I honestly think the games was what helped me go further than they thought I would go. Maybe it can help your friend too.

you have come a long way girl! I will share some of these Ideas with James. He does pretty well. He is the kinddest soul. Takes him a minute to put his thoughts together, but they are well thought and organized! I think he will recover very nicely. You both have something in common, and that is the desire to live to the fullest. :) Love and hugs to you.