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RE: Non Binary Kids

in #gender8 years ago

Gender fluid and non-binary doesnt exist.
It is an ideology, it has no basic in science. Just because people feel something doesn't make it so. People imagine things and dream things, lie about themselves about things. People would think they were from out of space and would be put in a mental asylum. Or think they were a dog.
Why are people pushing this without real facts? are people trying to virtue signal to get popularity?
Do you know how dangerous this is and what this does to people?
There are people who get their limbs severed because they feel the identify as a physically challenged. One woman had her doctor burn her eyes because she wanted to be blind.
This gender neutral gender fluid parenting is child abuse. It is deliberately gaslighting the vulnerable youth.
I'm not rightwing, I'm apolitical in case you were wondering since people who speak out against this always get labeled with the assumption we're rightwing, republican conservative or religious, I'm none of those. I'm a survivor of mental abuse. And I recognize this new trend on how to treat children as some new left-mentality to be anti-human nature and to 'child groom' children to be anything but what the human race has for the long majority always been.
This counter-culture treatment put onto kids seems like some new age ideology that democratic academia has indoctrinated people to turn against what is universal about human nature, this is exploiting something that rarely occurs to try and force it to be more mainstream. It is social engineering. And with the amount of if exploding all of a sudden in the past 2 years has people also recognize it as a cult, as some movement disguised as something else. I will mention the term shills, because why the heck would people be promoting something so detrimental to children unless they were getting paid for it? Or is this another part of the socialist in the democrat party funded by the Obama administration to further attack on the Western values and family unit break down?


I think the people promoting it have already been brainwashed and their is no reason to pay them just lke religious people are willing to spread the word of god for free. they have bought into it and will do anything to keep their fantasy alive, we already know they lie to them selfs so should be no surprise they lie to everyone elese.
I think I agree with and have the same feelings on all the other stuff you wrote.
I get scard when I think of what its going to be like in 10 years.
ll prolly be in jail for not using correct pronouns and calling people stupid.
Fuck shit is getting bad.

Some people do it for free because at the time they believe, yes. They usually enchant people by giving them a sense of belonging, similar to what some christians have been seen to do.

Even if the person realizes that they've been lied to, it's hard to get away because it would mean losing all your friends, perhaps your job, etc. Much like a cult, I have seen people getting chased if they try leaving. This is a very complex issue.

sounds just like the trans-trenders, feminism, religeons and racist idealogs. I agree its just like a cult.

Some people are getting paid for this, yes. Trans people have been saying this.
The subject of children and their potential abuse has been used to upset you, to distract you.
I've been saying this would happen just like it's happening, word for word.

Western values and family unit break down

This little part right here I think is what may be keeping you from seeing the rest. No such thing as Western values and family is not going to end. This is a scare tactic, they want to make you feel like your values can be taken from you when in fact you give them up. You are conditioned to react to certain words, they make you believe there are words you need protecting from so that they can keep their influence on human thought through censorship.