Now you've gone and done it! Kudos to you for this kettle of fish.
You're likely to get all kinds of unjustified push-back on this, as we are experiencing an extreme social pendulum swing the likes of which I'd never thought to see in my lifetime. Madness has largely taken over, and its appalling when people risk their livelihood for daring to question the emerging "wisdom" and ask science-based questions.
In another 20 years or so, the social pendulum will begin to swing back toward the other side, as logic & reason begin to take over. Unfortunately, its likely to keep going into extreme territory the other way - much as we're in extreme territory today, and that's not healthy either.
Regardless, thank you for having the chutzpah to actually make a meaningful point that may widely be considered blasphemous in today's insane culture.
I'll be ok, I have a flamethrower.
Madness indeed...