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RE: Deleted

in #geneeverett4 years ago

I'll shoot first or talk first as much as I want, that's my initiative. I already read about the backstory before I gave my downvotes but thanks for assuming I didn't and shooting right away, that makes your extra seconds on typing worthwhile.

Ohhhh my penny has destroyed the reward pools

On your own comments? You can try and see who does then.

My hp is that intimidating enough? Must be a nightmare if I started typing in mandarin.

I'm fine with the voting system as is. The ability to do it or not and when you want to do it or not. He made his move I make mine.

Give me something else.


Type Mandarin all you want, make your moves, it will not change the fact that the Middle Kingdom has lost the Mandate of Heaven and only a fool can not see that.

Fair thee well.

As to your HP, this is a hobby for me, perhaps it is all you have?????

Caput Lupinum to ye!

Screenshot 2021-07-24 at 21-23-33 Gray Wolf Meme Generator - Imgflip.png

If you hear the rain RUN!

Only understood the fair thee well part and lazy to Google the reference of the first lines. It's all hobby for me too, how else do you think I can enjoy speaking up what's on my mind?

Doge to ye too.