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RE: Deleted

in #geneeverett4 years ago

Aye, it's around quarter to 8 in the evening here and the night is just starting, you get some rest first and come back a fresh to continue the dance. You haven't changed my stance on the matter, probably something along the lines of the initial impression of shooting first ask questions later then get preached about due process before shooting first. Our common ground is only trying to make Hive a better ecosystem and nothing else at the moment. Now this isn't really worth your time or my time but you're still welcome to ping me and I'll answer at the soonest possible. Prioritize your rest first. No need to force an argument while sleepy.


Thank you for being human. This says a lot about you actually. I do hope that we can reach an understanding at the very least. We may not agree but certainly we can find common ground... and that sacred space is on Hive, the place we all hang our hat and hold hopes for the future. Thank you for this response as it shows me the good in the time spent connecting here in the comments.