See... this is exactly the outcomes that unfriendly actions on the blockchain result in... collectively we are strong. Fragmented and isolated we are weak.
I know that your feeling frustrated right now... but trust me when I say that change is coming! Hive is going to default to positive and it’s going to have to soon because this is REALLY hurting the price of our Token and our reputation in the wider crypto community.
Hive, in its current state, isn’t marketable no matter what sort of brilliant marketing minds are hard at work... so we have got to continue to trust that the community will wakeUP and realize this... and take certain actions (like @Comet.Ranker) to be a catalyst to those ends!
Always remember... positive action is 10X what any negative action can produce.
I believe that we are much much closer to change than we think we are... and so I implore you to stay with and continue to trust the Hive Community.
We have so many good people here... and I know that a collective response is in the works. I can feel it.