It seems that is all we hear.
Well, your mama told you not to listen to the media, didn't she? If she didn't, she should have.
My friends, cryptocurrency is here to stay.
Remember the bill that passed the Arizona Senate allowing the residents of that state to pay their taxes in Bitcoin. What happened to that? It seemed to have stalled out.
Actually, it did get hung up in the House's Rules Committee. The Congress people who were handling that bill were upset about taxes and other fees being paid in Bitcoin. Hence, they had to alter the legislation.
Fortunately, the bill passed through Committee and now heads to the House floor where it is expected to pass.
What did the bill look like in the final form? The payment in Bitcoin was expanded to include Litecoin and any other recognized crytpocurrency. When this bill passes and the Governor signs it, we will see the residents of Arizona able to pay their state taxes using cryptocurrency. To my knowledge, this will be the first state to approve this.
Soon, when someone asks "what can you use that cryptocurrency for? What can you actually pay for with it?", you can reply, "your property taxes"...as long as you live in Arizona.
While Arizona has been aggressive with the way it embraced blockchain and cryptocurrency, it is not the only state looking to move legislation forward.
Illinois has a similar bill pending that will allow residents of that state to pay their taxes using cryptocurrency. While Arizona's intention is to set itself at the forefront of the blockchain movement (and draw companies to the state), Illinois might have a different motive. The state is broke. Enabling the residents to use cryptocurrency might actually help the state coffers.
In another move, California moved forward legislation that would allow corporations to record stock ownership and transfers on "one or more distributed networks" (read blockchain).
This is only going to open the floodgates. For those who are unaware of the United States system, there are many layers of government, starting with the Federal and working all the way down to the local town/city. For the most part, the Federal and the States are the ones that carry the weight. Often there is a power struggle between the two. The U.S. Consistution was written in a manner to protect the rights of the States from the Federal Government but, like most rights in the U.S., the Feds tend to walk all over that. Nevertheless, it is always helpful in your cause to have the states on your side, at least some of them.
What is interesting about this situation is we are dealing with money. One thing we can count on with governments is they are greedy and cannot operate sanely when it comes to money. Hence, most of the states in the US are broke. They are all looking for ways to get more money. Cryptocurrency might be the ticket for them.
I fully expect a mad rush from a number of other states to follow suit over the next couple of years. Each day we are seeing an industry mature before our eyes. What was once something that was viewed as a fad is being legitimized by both private and public entities.
We even see a headline where the CEO of NASDAQ said it would be interested in becoming a crypto exchange over time. So what was viewed by many as competition is open to embracing cryptocurrency.
By the way, someone should tell her that the entire NASDAQ could be picked up and placed on Bitshares. It would operate much better that way.
Forget the FUD. Cryptocurrency and blockchain is on fire.
We literally are at the start of a major revolution.
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It is so hilarious how the establishment wants to ban cryptocurrency because it is a threat to them, but their system is so broken that it's the only thing that will save them. So what do they do? Spread FUD so that the train slows down enough that they can hop on in time. It's seriously like a direct inverse relationship. The more FUD gets spread around the more legitimate blockchain tech becomes.
My 3% vote rounds up to $0.01. #lifegoals
Fantastic news. If it has reached this level, there is no stopping it.
We are starting a global revolution indeed. This are all awesome news. Thanks for sharing
This is the way it's should be i do not understand why they did not do it long time ago
No one can stop the crypto
This is do great to the market
Can say that this is like a raindrop that precedes the storm and that will destroy all the central economic
If you want to be poetic about it, sure. LOL
Sometimes my words are poetic... But only with those I love like you.LOL
You are a mysterious fig.
It's very positive that you can pay the taxes in cryptocurrency, hopefully other states join the initiative, and we can pay different services with it.
what is done crypto could be a change that in bitcoin later, hopefully this becomes something that can be accepted
Resistance continues as traditional centralized organizations try to maintain their control of their industries. Media is one of them so they will side with the FUD and whatever makes ratings. This is the start if something much larger that comes once a generation.
It's good that the state of Arizona will be the first to take that big step into the future! I hope that all the other governors join and accept that the cryptocurrency is the currency of the future!
FYI the correct spelling of the state is Illinois, not Illonois which you have twice. Thanks for the great article.
Thanks...at one time I knew that.
It would be better if government would simply learn that if theft and coercion have to be used to implement their ideas, that their ideas are no good. They will instead taste of the poison pill of bitcoin and want more. It will be a trojan horse that first leads to accountability. Then finally people will realize that large government is unnecessary. Once they realize things have gotten better through localization (the inverse of globalization which is a buzzword that means profits for parasites - aka the ruling class), they might begin to wonder if government is necessary at all.
I agree @zoidsoft.
Yet it is par for the course. We repeatedly witness the established entities invite in the technologies that destroy them. I remember when most websites (other than porn) were the media...newspapers, magazines...ironic that it was the internet that did them in.
Ultimately, I believe most of our "government" in the future will be on blockchain. I can also envision a time when we will choose our "government" and not have it based upon a geographic place of birth.
Estonia is already starting the digital "citizenship". This is an idea that will spread where we will choose the rules that we want to live under instead of having them shoved down our throat.
Of course, the establishment in place now is not going to welcome that shift....we will see a big fight. Of course, it will be interesting since the time to fight is now yet they are inviting it in. By the time they realize what is going on, it will be too late.
Crypto was always here to stay. Hate to break it to ya, but it seems likely and logical to suggest that crypto is already exclusively owned by figure with a lot of money and influence of whatever root.
Then quantum will come about and poo all over the market and it will be rebuilt again. Calling it now. But anyways your “revolution” I’ve come to find is a paved road with some speed bumps.
Great post . Resteemed