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My country my green flag,
How can y'all be so cold hearted,
Ministers of corruption,
Playing the cards without sincerity,
Tables turning your way,
Jokers dancing to your tunes,
Mediocrity you call it,
You watch your jokers in pain,
Struggling to get ends meet,
Yet you squander with enthusiasm,
Blood on your hands!
Demons at home,
Angelic figure to the world,
You send your little flowers abroad,
The comfort zone provider!
You steal away their conscience,
Making them brutal like you,
How can you ever be parents?
Flowers? How do you love them back?
Are you ever proud of their actions?
If only you have the conscience to answer,
Handlers of destiny,
Controllers of breakthrough,
Ratters of poverty,
I hope you learn a grievous lesson,
I hope you come to sense with pain,
I hope you break and cry for mercy,
I hope fellow Jokers will handle the case well,
I pray we empower and boost our nation
I am @Illuminatus, I am a Nigerian and I am neither a terrorist, a scammer nor a spammer.
Several thanks to @rok-sivante for his generosity these past months.
Well said sir, Our Mother land as always been just the way you said it in here, we hope for a change and a messiah. change is all will hope for and when we get that we will definitely have a new song in our mouth.
I hope that we sing that song soon enough.
You are a good ambassador. _ _ _ nst_r. lol
Lol, you just had to use this " _ _ _ nst_r"
Your truly patriotic citizen to the nation. Is so unfortunate all this our words and videos we share on social media fall on deaf earz of our leaders..
It is really annoying
I hope we do, especially our politicians