I might be able to help, let me know your questions. I helped build this generic frontend for communities: https://github.com/bgrana75/mycommunity
The idea was to also expand this to businesses. Just needs to customize to each community/business needs and looks. But it's totally functional now.
You can see it live here: https://mycommunity-omega.vercel.app/
I am mostly having issues with long page load times at this stage. I also have been struggling to get infinite scrolling working.
I really like what you have put together. It's quick and responsive too. How feasible do you think it would be for me to fork your project and re-skin it with a design similar to what I have here?
It should be fairly easy to fork and re-skin. We built it thinking of making it easy to fork. There are some other pre-configured themes with different colors, but it's the same design.
We built it using NextJS and Chakra UI. I'm happy to help you if you need to re-skin, change format or add pages to your fork.
I'm tinkering with it and and familiarizing myself with it. I'll definitely be reaching out to you to let you know what obstacles I come up against. Thank you!
I think you can create a Hive community with the business name, and treat the business as a community on Hive.
Please do reach out. Check this post: https://peakd.com/hive-139531/@mengao/free-community-frontend
At the time we made those screen shots, we had a top and side navbar, now we changed to only on the side. As you can see it's not that hard to change the design or just use some components from this frontend.
Yes, this is very much in line with what I had in mind.