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RE: Geoengineering In The Wake Of The Storm

in #geoengineering8 years ago

yeah man score one for chemtrail knowledge with having front page #1 story on trending being about geoengineering! people cant fuckin sit there and ignore truth so its good we forced everyone on STEEMIT to confornt the chemtraiol reality!
Ive seen plenty of chemtrails in real life ive eben seen a CONTRAIL a regular CONTRAIL righT NEXT to a chemtrail! i see a contrail plane regular the vapor cloud leaves after a few seconds then teh chemtrail sprays and it lasts minutes i even have a photo with like 15 mins later the chemtrail still in almost same place turning all purple andshit its really crazy , i even remember driving down into a chemtrail, as it was sprayed, it was crazy, these things are so real its sad