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RE: How To Defeat Geoengineering

Orgonite is made from quartz crystals, metal shavings, and a copper coil in a polyester resin. Any type of crystal can be used, but quartz is the most effective, due to it's piezoelectric properties, meaning its energy is amplified by putting pressure on it. We use quartz in all of our orgonite pieces, even if there also is a crystal other than quartz in the piece. When the resin catalyzes around the crystal, the compression activates the already present orgone energy which the crystal naturally contains. The metals then broadcast the energy out, and the copper coil repels negative ions, which cleans the air in your home and the atmosphere. This energy is continuous and free. Occasionally you may rinse the orgonite in water to recharge, but this is not necessary, as our pieces distributed into the environment don't receive any special care, but continue to do their work..

God really bless the whole world with different mineral resources...thanks for the post @enjoyinglife