There is no one fact that will prove that our survival on this planet as a species is guaranteed to continue. Recent scientific and environmental reports explain that we are now experiencing the Earth’s sixth mass extinction event termed the Holocene extinction. An article titled 'The Extinction Crisis' says that “ We’re currently experiencing the worst spate of species die-offs since the loss of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago” and goes on to claim that this crisis is due to humans’ activities.
A few years ago I discovered a presentation by Dane Wigington which brought my attention to the sky and the lines being left by the planes. For months I watched more carefully and began to ask people if they had ever heard of Geoengineering. To my dismay, as I grew more curious and inquisitive, I found that folks I tried to engage on the subject of weather manipulation were simply not interested. It has taken some time for me to get back into a frame of mind where I can speak about this experience without getting emotional. I just could not understand how so many people could ignore such an obvious danger. The fact that I had gone so many years without noticing the spraying operations shocked me to the core.
The first reaction is denial. There is no way that any organization much less this mess of a government could ever manage such a huge operation involving hundreds or thousands of planes all with special equipment somehow secretly poisoning the public without their knowledge. Somehow people would have found out by now. Global conspiracies only exist in kids movies and action flicks. We would all be dead by now anyway if that were the case. There were times when I would explain some of the details about the geoengineering programs to a person that would actually listen. Some would even say something like, “Doesn’t surprise me”,then go right on about the daily business.
Today I listened to a presentation by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri where she speaks about the many pollutants in our environment such as cars and industry, then goes on to explain the truth about hundreds of weather modification programs and the military’s covert geoengineering plan which consists of planes spreading nano-particulates into the atmosphere. After encountering many other sources of information on the subject such as Kristen Meghan, Rosalind Peterson, Jim Lee, and Coen Vermeeren just to name a few, I was not shocked. What is truly mind-blowing is how a subject with such far reaching implications remains so hidden and buried. The whole ‘climate change’ discussion is completely useless without including the effects of regular plane traffic not to mention geoengineering and weather modification programs.
The primary opposition to geoengineering activists comes from Mick West who runs a website dedicated to de-bunking chemtrails and 9/11 truthers. Any search on ‘chemtrails’ will bring Mick right to the top of the list, claiming that all we are seeing is condensation. The trouble with Metabunk is a lack of real credibility. Straw man logic only goes so far. When one really takes the time to watch the activity in the sky it becomes quite evident that it is not regular airplane traffic due to the sharp turns and circular trails, sprays that stop and start again, and the lack of consistency. Two days with similar weather can produce a vastly different level of the so-called ‘persistant contrails’ which even NASA attempts to de-mystify. I spent weeks comparing The contrail education project in the hopes of finding some facts to convince myself that Dane and the rest were just wrong. My life would have been so much easier if only NASA was telling the truth.
This journey into one of the most devastating subjects I have yet to encounter has taught me that regardless of what the truth is, most people just don’t want to know the truth, especially if it warrants our attention and changing our lives or perceptions.
One thing has become abundantly clear to me. Nature is not treated with the respect it deserves. Our survival depends on the plants and animals of this Earth, and an unprecedented level of living things are dying fast. I hope that as you read this article you will consider the importance of keeping an open mind and the possibility that the truth is not nearly what you have been taught. I continue to wrestle with this often ignored subject as if my children’s lives depend on it.
I catch the weekly shows from too randomly fact-check some stuff that is interesting.. Here is a post about this: my-thoughts-on-wigington-s-geoengineering-podcast. Keep blogging! If you can figure out how to reach people I'm voting for you 100% !
My experience is to not rely on fear to sell people. Rather present the facts (hold nothing back) and mix it with a lot of personality and a full range of emotions that reach people. It is tricky but we have no choice we need to put the effort in. Defiantly keep listening to Dane..
I do trip out though on how sour Dane is. I could not keep listening each week as I would find myself feeling depressed or angry at others. I worry about people feeling so utterly ruined over it all that they give up and just go off the deep end.. I almost did in a way when I really thought it all out after quite a bit of research. I will say though that Wigington is a hell of a good speaker and his facts seem to be right on as far as I can tell.
Thanks so much for your comment and encouragement.
I agree on not selling fear. I make a podcast which is all about positive change using the power of creativity. I try to encourage inspiration and imagination so folks can start dreaming up solutions to a better future.
We can stop this. Or at least stop them from dumping more chemicals into our skies. Check out my (first) post! Peace be with you all.
A few thoughts.
Thanks to Grin and other content creators who are eager to expose the truth and expose the liars as well!
Thanks writewords,
I just did some research on how to use hyperlinks on Steemit. I originally wrote this article with many links included.
I think I will give it another shot next time with pictures and links.
I also do not claim to know the whole big picture, it can be really confusing where weather modification cloud seeding end and Geoengineering or chemtrails begin. What I do know is that most folks have very little awareness of any of the above much less the implications and loss of freedom that these programs represent. Further, covert operations threaten survival in the most basic way. If humans begin to unite for basic moral truth and deep care for life I see possibilities for a better future.
(geoengineering, a clear and present danger)
Ok this was the first link I intended to include in the text. Lets see if I got this right.
(Secretly Exposing Americans To Chemicals - Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri)[
second link
(Geoengineering Whistleblower ~ Ex-Military ~ Kristen Meghan, Hauppauge, NY, January 18th, 2014)[
Obama takes bold step to Geoengineer climate change
Rosalind Peterson
Belfort Group, Coen Vermeeren
Mick West
Jim Lee
NASA Contrail Education Project