Well, it will take time.. Like I said tax money is being used to create that mountain of reports. If nothing else, don't ignore the mountain of picture we see of chemtrail laden skies all over the place. I just looked out my front door and saw one then got a bit ticked off so I came back to this thread to talk to people like yourself so I can feel like I'm doing something about it.
You're going to have to battle scepticism probably for a long time. I suggest to don't expect yourself to make a good conclusion in just a few days. Things need to sink in, old ideas need to be re-thought. It is like building a house. Just make sure you always seek out that voice of logic and reason (that is what I did) and drop in on some topic like this when you feel like you're ready for a challenge. I promise, it will serve you very well.
I'm not rushing to any conclusion; however my conclusion will be based on peer-reviewed evidence I see presented.
I did come across the Brennan interview before, however, only extreme confirmation bias would make me see that as anything to do with the topic on hand. Here's a pretty good explanation of the CFR talk - https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-cia-director-admits-chemtrails-geoengineering-stratospheric-aerosol-injection.t7721/
Also, I did check out Dane Wigington's videos earlier. While he's a great speaker, his work is not peer-reviewed.